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  1. jeff stampher


    great name
  2. jeff stampher

    Seattle Cham keeper's club???

    I'm in snohomish but i would be happy to show up every other month
  3. jeff stampher

    Ste-Marie panther

    can someone send me a link to a picture of an adult of this locale i can't find any..
  4. jeff stampher

    What is a Holdback?

    it's usually the best that are held back for breeding purposes.
  5. jeff stampher

    help for alternative food when neo food isnt in

    I'm not sure about pygmies but i have fed baby mantids to newborn chams before. you can get egg sacks from most flower nurseries (they are used to eat aphids off of plants)
  6. jeff stampher

    Find Members near you.

    snohomish, WA. Seattle reptiles is where i buy my crickets! anyone in WA breeding Jackson's?
  7. jeff stampher

    Sweet Sun Cage!!

    Meller's and Cristatus
  8. jeff stampher

    Ambanja vs Ambilobe as FIRST Chameleon

    nope no difference other than color. They have exactly the same needs, just get whatever color you like best.
  9. jeff stampher

    baby jackson's

    can anyone direct me to a sight that sells baby Jackson's chameleons?
  10. jeff stampher


    i dont know about blubs but i use a reptisun 5.0 tube bulb:) and i supplement repti-cal without d3 5 days a week with d3 on sat + sun and vitamins on the 5th and 20th of each month.
  11. jeff stampher


    same here haha. in the second pic his front left elbow does that look like MBD to you? its only that one arm and its not bowwed its just an extra bump so i think it was a break when he was younger and it healed.
  12. jeff stampher


    thanks everyone hes kind of a late bloomer, hes 8 months. he didnt start showing color till he was six and a half.
  13. jeff stampher


    Thanks! maybe hell turn out to be the luie of the panther world :)
  14. jeff stampher

    Crickets $11.99 per 1000 or $7.99 per 500

    i love you for this.
  15. jeff stampher

    tent caterpillar

    KILL IT WITH FIRE. i hate those things but when ever they are on any of the trees on my property i hang a small bucket of water next to there nest. they are attracted to the water and drown.
  16. jeff stampher

    Which (if any) of my chameleons are gravid???

    i think the second cham is gravid and id go with the square bin but filled up a bit more. make sure to try to not be around when she is digging and laying as she may abandon the tunnel and start over which can cause stress.
  17. jeff stampher


    my guy decided to go blue orange today.
  18. jeff stampher

    Post Photos of your Chameleon Cages

    Thompson can you do me a favor and watch the video again and look at my cham's front left elbow? there has been a bump on it since i got him and i thought it was mbd but now I'm leaning towards it being a break that has healed mainly because its only that one elbow.
  19. jeff stampher

    Post Photos of your Chameleon Cages

    no recent ones ill take some tomorrow and thanks!
  20. jeff stampher

    Post Photos of your Chameleon Cages
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