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  1. BakedGoodies

    Panther female: color after laying?

    Yeah I've been feeding her a lot of superworms and been dusting the crickets with calcium. She's being active too so I'm assuming it's a good sign. I just wasn't sure if she was "done" laying eggs because of her coloring..
  2. BakedGoodies

    Panther female: color after laying?

    Hello! So my female panther chameleon laid 18 eggs Saturday. :) She's eating and drinking (she drank for two hours yesterday, wow), lost 12 grams. But she's still showing gravid colors. So what color should a female panther chameleon turn after laying eggs? Does the gravid colors mean she...
  3. BakedGoodies

    Laying egg questions.

    Thanks everyone! I didn't know about the red light being visible. They've always slept with it on.
  4. BakedGoodies

    Laying egg questions.

    So my female panther chameleon (Nora) started showing gravid colors 4 hours after mating my male (16 days ago). Separated them and been keeping an eye on her habits. Today she started doing the dance like she wants her laying bin so I have a 20 gallon trash can with 15 inches of moist sand...
  5. BakedGoodies

    Aging Care Sheet?

    Just curious if anyone has posted something that tells you what to expect as your panther chameleon grows from baby to adult, like a timeline. I'm thinking: food changes; size expectations; when they're sexually mature; good weight ranges for size/months old; different requirements for...
  6. BakedGoodies

    Vet Necessary?

    This is a continuation plus a few more questions relating to my original post (which can be found here). My chameleon started having the "bulgy eye" about four days ago. Figured it was just him cleaning it after a shed a week or two ago, since I had noticed a piece of skin still on his eye...
  7. BakedGoodies

    Regular Eye Cleaning or Something Else?

    Thanks, guys! We used saline solution twice yesterday, about six hours apart. Haven't seen any eye problems today, either :) He's such a trooper. He didn't freak out or anything when we put the drops in. Just curious: does Vit A have anything to do with this type of issue? I was going to...
  8. BakedGoodies

    Regular Eye Cleaning or Something Else?

    The female is in a separate cage. They lived together until about a month ago (from what I researched, they needed to be moved around 3-4 months), and now their cages are side by side. I don't think they're stressing each other out with the visibility of each other, but I can put something...
  9. BakedGoodies

    Regular Eye Cleaning or Something Else?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Nosy Faly Panther Chameleon (name Barney). Male. 4.5 months old (born 4/10/11). Owned him with my boyfriend since May 2011, about 6 weeks old. Handling - Take him out daily and he seems to enjoy it. Will bring him out in the sunlight for short periods of time...
  10. BakedGoodies

    Panther color

    From what I know about panther chameleons (I'm still newb) they turn dark when absorbing heat, and turn light when retaining heat. The mood colors are all unique for individual chameleons, though, so it just might be his way of being defensive. Sometimes they'll turn bright in a show of...
  11. BakedGoodies


    Yeah it was amazingly quick! Makes me wonder if the male has shed and I just wasn't around to see it, but I haven't seen any other shedding skin in there. What is pretty cool is that they both had this shiny teal spotting (they're Nosy Falys) and now she has this beige/pink/white coloring going...
  12. BakedGoodies


    Exactly two weeks after getting my chameleons, one started shedding. What was crazy is that before I took a shower, I checked in on them and I noticed she looked paler than normal but didn't figure it out. I get out of the shower and she was half-way done shedding! She was rubbing up on...
  13. BakedGoodies

    Help!! Where to buy pinhead crickets in Los Angeles, CA!

    I don't know how far away from Rancho Cucamonga you are, but there's a place called Reptile Island in my area. You give them a call two days before you want to get them and they'll have pinheads for you. They sell all sizes for reasonable prices, and they're one of the most honest pet stores...
  14. BakedGoodies

    56k NO-Ok this is like the one millionth thread on this but Boy or girl?

    I giggled when I saw that episode, and I'm giggling now..... Congratz on the boy. :)
  15. BakedGoodies

    Chameleon went on a walk about!

    It isn't a chameleon story, but my iguana used to take off on "mating" trips. We found him to begin with in a trailer park, walking around, with some scars and a crooked jaw, probably two ish years old. We took him in. We used to let him bask outside with a close eye on him and give him baths...
  16. BakedGoodies

    New chams and sexing..

    Oh yeah. It's me and my long term boyfriend (this is our 4th pet together) who are caring for them. In two or so months I'll separate them. I'll try doing the stick idea tomorrow for pictures of the male..I'm scared of stressing him out. :/
  17. BakedGoodies

    New chams and sexing..

    I'll try! I'm trying to let them settle in before I bug them too much. The one I think is a girl doesn't mind but the other one gets skittish and ends up falling.
  18. BakedGoodies

    New chams and sexing..

    I got these little guys yesterday. They're Nosy Faly's and I'm having problem determining which is the female and which is the male. Only the female doesn't mind the camera (I'm not using flash or anything) so I was only able to get a clear shots from one, the one I think is female. Anytime the...
  19. BakedGoodies

    Basic and probably easy questions...

    Thank you! :D
  20. BakedGoodies

    Basic and probably easy questions...

    So a 60 watt household light bulb won't suffice? I live in Southern California and it gets pretty dang hot here. Oh and the basking light and UVB light should be turned off at night, right?
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