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  1. S

    Weird brown color?

    He is a nice mint green color when he is walking throughout the cage.
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    Weird brown color?

    Brick is about 6 months old, so he still has some growing to do.
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    Weird brown color?

    I read that when a chameleon turns darker colors, browns and blacks, they are stressed or something is wrong. I didn't know that they also did this when they are absorbing heat. Thanks for the help! I guess I am just a bit paranoid. :o
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    Weird brown color?

    Whenever my veiled is in his basking spot he turns this weird brown and dark green color but when he goes on a stroll he turns to his normal light green self. From what I've read, this isn't good and a healthy cham should be green all the time but the temps are all correct, its 83 degrees, so I...
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    Chameleon not using his dripper

    Thanks for the replies guys. I never realized that they were that secretive. I'll definitely keep an eye on his droppings. Again guys thanks!
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    Chameleon not using his dripper

    Hey everyone have another question. This one relates to my cham and his reluctancy to use his dripper. Ive had my cham for about 4 days now and not once have I seen him drink using his dripper. Don't get me wrong I have seen him drinking, earlier today i had him outside enjoying the good...
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    Have another question

    Alright, thanks for the heads up. I'll probably buy it online it is quite a bit cheaper.
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    Have another question

    Ive been trying to find calcium powder w/o D3 and every pet store I have been to doesnt have it in stock. So my dads friend who (conveniently enough) works in a pet supplies warehouse gave me a 8 oz jar of Brisky's CPR "Calcium Powder Remedy." Now I haven't heard of this brand before and it...
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    Need some help guys

    Thanks for the input guys, I have been giving him a few crickets throughout the day, but I won't be getting the calcium dust until tonight. So I plan on giving him an all you can eat buffet in a little bit :D
  10. S

    First cham!!!!!!

    I'm positive it wasn't moving, it was just dark and probably like quarter of an inch long. And about taking him outside, I cant really bring his entire enclosure outside, so should I just take him out and put him in a bucket (or something along those lines) with a stick?
  11. S

    First cham!!!!!!

    Just got back from the pet store with my new 6 month old male veiled, Brick! He seems to be doing pretty well considering he hasn't had any UVB for 3 weeks. I don't see any signs of MBD which is great! He already ate 6 crickets, and is exploring his enclosure like a champ. The only question...
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    Need some help guys

    Hello again, just got back from the pet store with Brick! I had a talking to with the store manager and actually managed to convince him how crucial a UVB light is and he promised that from now on out, all his future chameleons will have UVB's! Anyways, Brick looks to be in pretty good health...
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    Need some help guys

    Alright guys thank you for the fast responses, I'll head out now and get him before anymore damage is done. I also think that I'll talk to the store manager and tell him to get a UVB bulb for any future chameleons he gets in. Again thanks for the input.
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    Need some help guys

    His limbs seemed alright and he had quite the grip, he didn't move all that much though I would assume because he was a little scared but is that of any concern?
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    Need some help guys

    I'm home right now so I cant get a pic but I can describe him pretty well. What are some of the warning signs?
  16. S

    Need some help guys

    Ive been searching around for a veiled for a good couple weeks now and I was just at a pet supplies plus and they had a 6 month old male veiled there. He was adorable. I asked to hold him and he seemed quite alert, and friendly. The problem is when I was talking to the store manager he said...
  17. S

    New to Chams and looking for some input

    Thanks for the great links! I have been looking into a mistking but i have an opportunity to get a really good deal on a zoo-med reptifogger. Is there a huge discrepancy between the two? Also with regards to the safe plants, my cousin who has bred veileds has had no problems with the palm and...
  18. S

    New to Chams and looking for some input

    Thanks for the answer! The hood has a florescent bulb in it and it gives off almost no heat. I have been measuring the temp throughout different parts of the cage and it's about 75 degrees. So the hood is having no effect on the temp in the cage.
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    New to Chams and looking for some input

    Thanks for the responses guys! You both make some really good points about the branch arrangement and I'll definitely add some more branches higher up. I also have another question. I have an aquarium hood towards the front of the cage to help light it up better. Is this alright? Will the...
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    New to Chams and looking for some input

    Hi everyone, my name is Ian and I'm looking for some feedback towards my first chameleon setup. I built this cage from scratch and it measures roughly 2'x2'x4'. I have three plants in there, a majesty palm, bromeliad, and a dracaena marginata, along with branches of various shapes and sizes. I...
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