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  1. hawaiianice99

    Making my own

    Ya that'll teach 'em.
  2. hawaiianice99

    Pet Store Horror

    depending on where you live you can forward a caresheet and healthy pic to your local animal control, spca. and tell them about the pet store and what is wrong so they can check it out. But some states dont regulate the care that pet stores have for their animals, so the pet store can let the...
  3. hawaiianice99

    Raising standards fly maggots on fruit fly mix

    I gut load my BB flies with honey and strawberries, my chams cant get enough of them.
  4. hawaiianice99

    green house

    i thnk you should be fine, sounds pretty awesome. You would have to supply alot of plants and vines for them to climb on so they could stay away from eachother and you would have to put alot of feeders in there so they can hunt easily, cups wouldnt work.
  5. hawaiianice99

    trying to get set up ready....

    looks good, but is looks like there isnt enough solid branches for it to climb on.
  6. hawaiianice99

    ID needed...

    So this is fake?! Crap and i was this close to looking where to get one.:mad:
  7. hawaiianice99

    Panther Acclimation

    they should be awake and hunting during the day. sleeping during the day is not a good sign.
  8. hawaiianice99

    Madagascar vacation pics + more

    I second that!:D
  9. hawaiianice99

    Is it worth making an enclosure?

    I made my own for just the cost of supplies and i like it way more than my LLL cages. It makes whatever room its in look a little nicer. Here is a pic of mine...
  10. hawaiianice99

    Substrate for Chams!

    sorry, but you use reptibark and a fountain... you should start your own thread just so it diverts people off this one and on yours and then see what happens. Get rid of the bark, thats the worst substrate for impaction. Get rid of the fountain, thats a bacterial problem just waiting to happen.
  11. hawaiianice99

    look at the pic

    you dont have to put her in a 65gal, just look up a smaller one at LLL... here i found it for you,
  12. hawaiianice99

    look at the pic

    why would you buy that cage and only use it for one month?! for how much you spent on that exoterra you could have bought a screen cage off LLL and save some $.:)
  13. hawaiianice99

    Everybody look my renewed terrarium

    he can still burn if he touches the bulbs! You could have done this a little nicer is what jeremy is saying, you could have used fake vines, or sticks. btw, the bungee cords do look kinda cheesy
  14. hawaiianice99

    My chameleon attacked me

    get used to it, it is a veiled, and they can be grumpy as hell!:mad:
  15. hawaiianice99

    Found this lizard today on street - Type?

    you may want to have a fecal done, just to be sure.
  16. hawaiianice99

    Everybody look my renewed terrarium

    Sorry i dont like it. Do you see how close your cham is to burning itself on those bulbs, no bueno! (you can see his head behind the little light cage thing.) If you wanted an honest opinion.
  17. hawaiianice99

    newbie questions!

    if you go to a pet store i guarantee they are gonna sell you an exoterra, you dont want that.
  18. hawaiianice99

    Stick Insects -carausius morosus

    pm sent :)
  19. hawaiianice99

    First veiled baby, need experienced advice!

    pics would help.
  20. hawaiianice99

    panther enclosure opinions

    if you are going to drill holes why not just get a screen cage? its cheaper too.
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