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  1. W

    Purchasd first PANTHER Cham (Nosy Be)!

    Nice!!! I picked up a male Nosy Be from their breeder "Curufin" in July and he's amazing! Enjoy.
  2. W

    Chameleon drinking from mist head...

    My Nosy Be likes to drink from the drops off the mist head once it's stopped spraying. He also likes to drink off the droplets on his screen when I spray from outside the cage.
  3. W

    One eye shrunk and swollen..

    Looks like my carpet chams eye last week. Within one day of applying Terramycin, she looked back to normal. I caught it very early though.
  4. W

    My male Nosy Be from Kammerflage

    The sire is Curufin and he wasn't a holdback, although Liddy said he was already showing some nice blues before she shipped him. Thanks for all the replies - I'm looking forward to watching him develop.
  5. W

    My male Nosy Be from Kammerflage

    Here he is the day I got him at 3 months old: Here's a picture I took yesterday, now at 5 months old: I can't believe how much he's colored up over the last 2 months. If he stays like this as an adult, I'll be very happy!
  6. W

    I feel dumb!

    I have a 5 1/2 month old Nosy be from Kammerflage. I noticed a few days ago that he started going to bed early - he'd be alseep in usual spot down low in his schefflera plant by the time I came home from work around 5pm. I knew something was up but wasn't sure what. He's been eating and drinking...
  7. W

    Misting System - What Type of Pump?

    I'm currently using a pond pump rated at 325gph. It's running 2 nozzles into 2 cages (1 per cage). I used the misting heads you can find at Lowes. It's not a fine mist, but does the job at getting the plant leaves dripping. I have it set to run for a minute at time using a basic digital timer...
  8. W

    Jag laid EGGs!

    Wow! Congrats. Great looking pair.
  9. W

    New Nosy Be!

    This little guy arrived today. He's a 3 month offspring of Kammerflage's sire "Curufin". I saw a picture of Curufin a year ago, around the time I was getting into chameleons and thought, one day I'd love a Nosy Be. I decided to make sure I was up to the task before I took on the requirements of...
  10. W

    Panther size?

    Thanks. That's more what I was expecting. Just goes to show don't believe everything you read on the internet!
  11. W

    Panther size?

    In a few weeks I'll be taking delivery of a 3 month old male Nosy Be (!) from Kammerflage and just realized that I don't really know what size it will be at this age? Does anyone know what the average SVL is at this age? I read somewhere that said 1" SVL. That seems awfully small! I was...
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    What are your "real" jobs

    Financial Advisor. Glad I started in the early 90's.
  13. W

    Warning on water crystals

    I lost a baby Rudis from ingesting perlite from a live plant container. I felt terrible about it and felt really stupid for not removing all of it before I put it in the cage.
  14. W

    Cricket Breeding :(

    Mine take well over a week to hatch at 80+ degrees. Try raising the temp a bit and give them time. Just make sure the substrate doesn't dry out. Before you know it, you'll have hundreds of pinheads!
  15. W

    Birth of chameleons (not hatching) VIDEO!!!

    That was amazing! Thanks!
  16. W

    New pygmy enclosure...

    Great looking setup! My guy loves climbing on the rock background.
  17. W

    My new pygmys

    Looks great! I've got my male brev in the same exo, but I added an aquarium background on the 2 sides to give him more security. (Plus it looks really good!)
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    My new Bearded Pygmy

    I've heard about this. Reminds me of the eastern hognose trick. Hopefully he's never so scared that he tries it:)
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    My new Bearded Pygmy

    Point well taken on the handling. He's in a 12x12x18 exo-terra glass terrarium which is about 2/3's full of cover. Sometimes it's tough to see him, although I'm sure he prefers it that way! I'd love to get him a mate, but I've already got my hands full incubating snake eggs. Not sure I'm...
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