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  1. solly

    Eggbound Dissection:::Photos Inside

    Can you tell us more about how your cham behaved through the whole process of being eggbound? I just had a bad experience and would like to learn more... Luckily, my veiled has pulled through, but I don't know if there may still be reason for concern. Thanks, and sorry for your loss.
  2. solly

    2 weeks and still digging...

    Camille seems to be doing much better now. I removed her laying bin yesterday and found no more eggs. I gave her enclosure a good cleaning and a little rearranging. Since yesterday she has been eating well, drinking well, and has not been lethargic at all. I just hope that she got all her...
  3. solly

    2 weeks and still digging...

    Yeah, she seems fine other than the fact she still isn't eating. I'm going to go grab some silkworms since I can usually hand feed those to her and know for sure whether or not she is eating... all the crickets I have given her seem to still be there. Typically, when I put crickets in her...
  4. solly

    2 weeks and still digging...

    It's Christmas, and I'm damn near broke. For me to be able to fork out a few hundred dollars for a vet is not likely at this time of year. That's what's really killing me. Any other time of year, she would have been to a vet already.
  5. solly

    2 weeks and still digging...

    The laying bin is about 6 inches deep. She already laid her first clutch with no problems, so I don't think that's an issue. She's dug her new hole so that she is completely concealed, so I don't think she feels vulnerable there. She was in her branches when I took her out of her enclosure...
  6. solly

    2 weeks and still digging...

    Some of you may have read my previous posts regarding my female veiled's first infertile clutch... So, everything seemed to have gone well - she laid 40 eggs with little problem. She buried her hole and returned to her branches. I removed the eggs and placed the laying bin back in her...
  7. solly

    She hasn't eaten since she's layed...

    No, she wasn't mated, not ever. Her clutch was infertile. She's been diggin for three days now. She has dug quite a tunnel. She is completely under the sand and you can't see her at all. When will all this be over? I can't take the stress of worrying about her! She hasn't eaten for over...
  8. solly

    She hasn't eaten since she's layed...

    Yeah, she filled the hole... her first lay went well. She has been acting normal, and has not been lethargic at all. I came home today to find her digging again. She must not have had much energy, so I dug most of the hole for her while she was taking a break in her branches. I just...
  9. solly

    She hasn't eaten since she's layed...

    My female veiled layed her first clutch last weekend. Everything seemed okay. Since then, I have provided her with lots of water, which she has been drinking. She ate one silkworm a few days ago. I have been giving her about a dozen heavily dusted crickets daily - none of which she has...
  10. solly

    infertile or fertile???

    Because she had not been mated, the eggs were tossed. Perhaps I should have waited.... I'm a little disappointed with myself. I don't see how they could have been fertile though, and I am puzzled as to why they looked so healthy. Thanks for the input guys. I will be mating her next...
  11. solly

    infertile or fertile???

    Anyone else?
  12. solly

    infertile or fertile???

    I've attached the link to a picture of the clutch that my veiled just layed... I've assumed that they are infertile because I did not mate her with a male. I purchased her at 4 months old, so she was not sexually mature when she was caged with males her age at the reptile store... But...
  13. solly

    Please, don't be eggbound!?!?!

    40 eggs! I've attached a pic!
  14. solly

    She's layed, now what?

    My veiled layed her first clutch, finishing yesterday. When do I take the laying bin out, and how? Any other advice is appreciated.
  15. solly

    Please, don't be eggbound!?!?!

    UPDATE... Camille layed her eggs today!!! There didn't seem to be any problems. A couple questions guys... When should I take the laying bin out? How do I know she's done? Do I continue her normal routine?
  16. solly

    My veiled has bumps on her ribs...

    I had never thought of that, but I doubt it. The bumps are quite close to her spine near her neck. The bumps aren't really towards her stomach area.
  17. solly

    My veiled has bumps on her ribs...

    Lately, I've been noticing small bumps on my chams ribs. Any idea as to what this might be? She has been behaving completely normal but is carrying eggs... Sorry I can't provide pics, my camera went missing.
  18. solly

    Best material for the bottom of a viv

    I have a veiled and I use beaked moss. It's easy to keep clean, is unlikely to get ingested, and holds humidity very well.
  19. solly

    125w Solar glo

    I use one.... doing just fine... a little hot though... I have to keep it a good distance from my veiled's basking spot, to keep it in the low 90's.
  20. solly

    cham won't open eyes

    Have you tried flushing her eyes? If not, drop water on her eyes to make sure they are not dried out. Give it a few minutes and see how your cham reacts. If she starts bulging or rolling her eyes, continue flushing them. You may find that there is a film on her eyes that you can clean gently...
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