2012 end of the world


New Member
Thought I should start a thread concerning what we should do before DECEMBER!!

no, not really. I just want to hear your ideas and thoughts on this subject :)

Of course the worlds not going to end, but do you think something may happen??? There is a ton of science behind this, so its not just the crazy myans.

Has anyone done any research? I've looked it up awhile back.
oh yes, the zombies sound terrifying yet interesting. Hopefully it dosent affect chameleons.

But in all seriousness, next year ( after december) our solarsystem is going to pass through an empty "space" in our galaxy. As some may know in the center is a black hole to which our sun orbits. This black hole puts out bands of energy, causing us to have a sprial galaxy.

Scientists say every 2700 years we pass through the dark gaps between the bands which is where the black hole emitts much higher levels of electro-magnetic waves. ( possibly gama, not sure). Last time this happend there was sever climate change, and some species went extinct ( not a mass extinction).

This is what I've researched, not exactly what I believe.
im an alien theorist :) i beleive when the time comes, they will destroy our planet because it was all one giant experiment gone wrong..and some other theories..but i dont think the world will end this december ;) i do believe that the government will gain soo much control over everything and prices will rise soo much that people will start going mad and killing eachother and such for the simplest things..and i do believe the government and aliens work together :)

dont judge me...:p
im an alien theorist :) i beleive when the time comes, they will destroy our planet because it was all one giant experiment gone wrong..and some other theories..but i dont think the world will end this december ;) i do believe that the government will gain soo much control over everything and prices will rise soo much that people will start going mad and killing eachother and such for the simplest things..and i do believe the government and aliens work together :)

dont judge me...:p

I'm confused? i think? What exactly dose an alien theorist belive in ?( and don't just say aliens) and was all of that serious? no offense

as far as 2012 thing gose, I think some strange weather phenominan will happen in 2013 but it may only be a local disaster ( like the tornadoes recently) but what ever it is it will be obvious that it was caused by something out of this world
I'm confused? i think? What exactly dose an alien theorist belive in ?( and don't just say aliens)

as far as 2012 thing gose, I think some strange weather phenominan will happen in 2013 but it may only be a local disaster ( like the tornadoes recently) but what ever it is it will be obvious that it was caused by something out of this world

an alien theorist is someone who believes all religious materials are based on alien ancounters back in the day, and the people described these encounters the best they could with their stories and descriptions. this is an example, so please for everyones sake, its opinion, when people in bible described flaming chariots, angels, and miracles, could they have been the works of aliens? bright spaceships, beings with the mental powers to float or heal? one common alien theorist belief is that the virgin mary was artificially impregnated with alien dna in her sleep..which is why jesus was soo different from everyone else and so on..but again, examples and personal opinions :eek: im weird like that :p
The "crazy Mayans" never said the world was going to end. Maybe a change but not end. This is just what prophecy wackos made up. To bad some arrogant religion decided to sail across the pond and destroy them and most all of their records or we would know a lot more about this.:mad:
an alien theorist is someone who believes all religious materials are based on alien ancounters back in the day, and the people described these encounters the best they could with their stories and descriptions. this is an example, so please for everyones sake, its opinion, when people in bible described flaming chariots, angels, and miracles, could they have been the works of aliens? bright spaceships, beings with the mental powers to float or heal? one common alien theorist belief is that the virgin mary was artificially impregnated with alien dna in her sleep..which is why jesus was soo different from everyone else and so on..but again, examples and personal opinions :eek: im weird like that :p

I think a lot of the theories are a little far fetched myself but the gist of it is very believable to me.
yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and at this point we can't really prove anything. i was just suprised as I have never heard the term alien theroist, but I am familar with their theroies.

If only they were alive, they were great at astronomy

Main reason I started this thread was to see if anyone was familar the the science behind it all??? or atleast have thought about it.
yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and at this point we can't really prove anything. i was just suprised as I have never heard the term alien theroist, but I am familar with their theroies.

If only they were alive, they were great at astrology

have u ever watched ancient aliens on history channel? GREAT show and really makes u think!
I think a lot of the theories are a little far fetched myself but the gist of it is very believable to me.

i agree. the history channel gives me nightmares so i try to watch it dureing the day with people XD. i think that aliens interacting with people way back when is very possible. esp when you look at things they did. and government knowing now would also make sence....i mean look at techonolgy suddnly becomeing so advanced. not but how many years ago was space impossible and tv black and white....hmmm :rolleyes:\

matter of fact. i wuddnt be suprised if aliens are all over the place and we just dont know it :D
very true. I've watched acient aliens, but i was never really "scared" from it lik others, cough cough. :D If there are aliens out there, I want to meet one in my life time.

Althought I will admit watching "finding bigfoot" before bed is a terrible idea.
very true. I've watched acient aliens, but i was never really "scared" from it lik others, cough cough. :D If there are aliens out there, I want to meet one in my life time.

Althought I will admit watching "finding bigfoot" before bed is a terrible idea.

haha i think all the shows about finding bigfoot are lame :rolleyes: if bigfoot really existed, they would have found him by now :p or at least more solid proof of its existance!
yea, but it creeps me out!!! I had a dream the other day, it was late at night and I looked out the door to the porch and it was standing there staring at me. I couldn't wake up. I remember falling to my feet, then I woke up shaking hahaha. ( thats just one of my many bigfoot dreams)

But when it comes to aliens, i think its possible we have made contact. The best way to keep a secret is to make the truth look like a consipracy. It ticks me off knowing the government is keeping big fat juicy secrets from us, but i guess its for our own good. What would happen tomorrow if aliens just started coming? mass panic.
haha i think all the shows about finding bigfoot are lame :rolleyes: if bigfoot really existed, they would have found him by now :p or at least more solid proof of its existance!

that show cuddnt be faker XD! im just scared easily(^^), if someone looks at me and i dont know their watching me(at night) and i turn around scream, never fail i will. even if i know who you are thats just how i react XD. my dad does it now just to mess with me.
even if bigfoot existed, i have locked doors and pleanty or ammo if he gets thru them doors. :rolleyes:
I resent that remark ;) jk. I'm actually looking forward to it as well :D

thanks to whoever started the zombie remark, it makes me want to start another thread!! hu, maybe another day...

Also I think I like to belive in things like bigfoot, its like kids believing in santa clause
yea, but it creeps me out!!! I had a dream the other day, it was late at night and I looked out the door to the porch and it was standing there staring at me. I couldn't wake up. I remember falling to my feet, then I woke up shaking hahaha. ( thats just one of my many bigfoot dreams)

But when it comes to aliens, i think its possible we have made contact. The best way to keep a secret is to make the truth look like a consipracy. It ticks me off knowing the government is keeping big fat juicy secrets from us, but i guess its for our own good. What would happen tomorrow if aliens just started coming? mass panic.

the government is really cracking down on us and i dont like it..did u hear about the mass suicides in india because their government took control of the farms and made them use "government" seeds...half the crop failed and the families went completely broke and killed themselves..the government here is trying to get strict with roadside farm stands and are cracking down on heirloom seeds because they want the people to depend solely on the government for food and such..its a shame :/

that show cuddnt be faker XD! im just scared easily(^^), if someone looks at me and i dont know their watching me(at night) and i turn around scream, never fail i will. even if i know who you are thats just how i react XD. my dad does it now just to mess with me.
even if bigfoot existed, i have locked doors and pleanty or ammo if he gets thru them doors. :rolleyes:

haha im glad ur prepared! the only safety i have is my loft bed :rolleyes: i refuse to sleep on a normal bed...being high up makes me feel safe, like a chammy <3
Personally I wouldnt mind if something happened to wipe out most humans, even if it has to be myself. Its getting way to over populated and we are destroying the earth way to quickly.
Personally I wouldnt mind if something happened to wipe out most humans, even if it has to be myself. Its getting way to over populated and we are destroying the earth way to quickly.

We think alike, im reading The Hot Zone. makes ya think, terrible way to die. hopefully if something happens i dont have much time to think about it.
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