2012 end of the world

im an alien theorist :) i beleive when the time comes, they will destroy our planet because it was all one giant experiment gone wrong..and some other theories..but i dont think the world will end this december ;) i do believe that the government will gain soo much control over everything and prices will rise soo much that people will start going mad and killing eachother and such for the simplest things..and i do believe the government and aliens work together :)

dont judge me...:p

As far as India goes, it's not 'India' per se. It is corporations like Monsanto.

There is too much information available to list, a few must-see docs are the Zeitgeist films and also a new one called Thrive (available for $5 streaming video @ www.thrivemovement.com ) totally worth the $5 (cost of a happy meal, come on).

Watching those will bring you up to speed with what's really going on.

As far as aliens go. Christopher Columbus encountered a space ship before discovering the Americas, there are depictions of UFO's observing the crucifixion, Thomas Jefferson AND George Washington both documented being visited by aliens before major events took place. There is almost too much evidence that if you DON'T believe in it, you're the crazy one in the group. Hell, even the Vatican is admitting now that there could be intelligent life in Space!

Carl Sagan sent a 'data strip' into space in 1974, containing a strip of information containing our location in the solar system, our DNA sequence, the method the data strip was sent with, and a pixel-characateur of a human. A month before 9/11, we got a reply in the form of a crop circle. http://theinnateintelligence.wordpress.com/2009/09/18/crop-circle-101/

Now the website I just linked to may not be a legitimate source of information, but this is a real event that took place at least and it was the first sight that came up :)

You cannot deny something is happening. Politically: Arab Spring, Economic Collapse, Continental Unions.....Environmentally: the tornadoes recently, the mass deaths of natural wildlife, all the earthquakes in the last 2 years.

We are all connected and interconnected on levels we don't even know. Something is happening beyond our control, and I am very interested to see the outcome.

The most fascinating thing about it, IMO, is that it is completely out of our control, and dictated by natural design. Yet we have the conscious ability to recognize that it is happening....in some cases hundreds or thousands of years before it even happens.

Cool, cool stuff!
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IMO it boils down to a shift in consciousness. Clearly displayed by all the revolutions and revolts. The dominant creature of this planet is changing its mindset. It's not putting up with all this BS.

Also, Ron Paul is the clear winner for the future of this planet. If you have the slightest urge to vote for anyone else, you need to do some serious research and open your mind a little bit before casting your votes this year.

I think he plays an integral part to the 2012 evolution of mankind.

In time we will understand.... my thoughts go to what will humanity do after....to me humans are complex, im intrigued to how aliens are mentally and psychologically...
My boyfriend told me if I get infected he's blowing my head off. <3

We've been training with plenty of shooting games.
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You guys are all nutts..ALL OF YOU!

Yes snake....that includes you. Funny pic tho.

Nuts? I am planning an end of the world party at the pyramids does that sound nuts to you? No.
An end of the world party would be the party to end all parties!

My attorney has advised me to rent a very fast car with no top for the road trip down there, and almost everything is ready, the only thing I still need is my acapulco shirts...
Nuts? I am planning an end of the world party at the pyramids does that sound nuts to you? No.
An end of the world party would be the party to end all parties!

My attorney has advised me to rent a very fast car with no top for the road trip down there, and almost everything is ready, the only thing I still need is my acapulco shirts...

Look snake..fast cars, wearing t-shirts with a sun and this pretty little beach on it may give you this false mental caption that your are sane..You are taking advice from a attorney....
I'm more worried about the giant astroid that's set on a direct course for Earth in 2040. :cool:

In 28 years, I bet we'll have some ridiculous technology though...so still not THAT worried lol

my personal opinion about "the end of the world in 2012" is that there will be a change maybe economical,decline,poverty,hunger that will lead to war ,world revolution ,manipulation,many deaths5-all over the europe things like this started in 2010 and got sever in 2011-2012!the main concern is that "they"-and by they i mean the main heads of power on earth-want to lower the population on earth!that will lead to communism laws-like one family from some countries will have the right to born just one baby and others none!but they wont stop here-maybe a virus specially lab born to kill us ,make us less !poison the water bla bla !maybe not in 2012 but things like this will happen sooner or later-imminent!plus in my country and other ones in europe they singed the ACTA treaty-restricted internet access-darn manipulation!
But i wish aliens to come :))) or zombie massacre!
eh we will see ,we will be there!ah and i just love anonymous !
This world is not sustainable at humanities current growth rate.
Everything is very much on the edge and near some form of collapse no matter how you cut it.

Meanwhile the ignorant are breeding rampantly, and the knowledgeable are trying to stay out of it as much as they can.

Its already burning if you haven't noticed, its best to just enjoy the ride at this point...
Just a few comments on what Ive read here so far.... First off.... God does not live here and is "NOT" human... We were "MADE" in his image. So he "IS" an alien.
I know Big Foot Exisists! Ive backpacked all over the Sierras and the North west forests..I will leave my & my friends experiances at that.... But they wont find him on that stupid show.... Some DUMB idiots walking around the forest at nite screaming with flood lights:p They may get a big rock thrown at them though!:D
Also they have discovered the Great Pyramids were in fact power plants fueled by algea not tombs.... all the pharoes were buried in the valley of the Kings.
There may be a tilt of the earths axis..... and some serious stuff.... But we will nuke ourselfs to death before the planet gets us . And no matter what we do here the earth will recover. They have found large areas of desert in the middle East that have been glassed over, just like the desert bomb sites in the S. West back when we tested nukes.... I could go on and on but I gotta save more good stuff for later:D
my personal opinion about "the end of the world in 2012" is that there will be a change maybe economical,decline,poverty,hunger that will lead to war ,world revolution ,manipulation,many deaths5-all over the europe things like this started in 2010 and got sever in 2011-2012!the main concern is that "they"-and by they i mean the main heads of power on earth-want to lower the population on earth!that will lead to communism laws-like one family from some countries will have the right to born just one baby and others none!but they wont stop here-maybe a virus specially lab born to kill us ,make us less !poison the water bla bla !maybe not in 2012 but things like this will happen sooner or later-imminent!plus in my country and other ones in europe they singed the ACTA treaty-restricted internet access-darn manipulation!
But i wish aliens to come :))) or zombie massacre!
eh we will see ,we will be there!ah and i just love anonymous !

theyve already started that :rolleyes: a lot of the super diseases and such i believe to be created by them and sent rapid to kill as many people possible before it becomes obvious, and then suddenly come in and save us with a miracle shot...one that can seriously be contradicted..i believe some forms of cancer were government created..and they have the cure...or at least something close that theyre not sharing with us because cancer is a population controller...the government controlling our food, and the nasty stuff put in it..the water treatment chemicals..all sorts of stuff :/ im not saying its all the government..but some could be..
There certainly is a cure for cancer. The government doesnt want it getting out. They make too much money from treatments and medicines that dont work.


I dont trust my government one bit. They already know and have proof of ET's. Do you really think the Vatican would admit something like that if they didnt know there was proof. They have to plan for it or their goes all of their beliefs and more importantly, to them, money out the window.
I do believe at one point we will run out of resrouces enough to satisfy the world's population. I saw this program about Bill Gate's wife decreaseing india's infant mortality rate. Thats great and all, but that dosen't fix the underlying problem. They are still starving and she just made it worse. Its sad when people die, especially in large numbers, but we are deffinatley running out of room so there needs to be something to lessen our world's population.

Now the aliens, i don't think they wan't to secretly kill us.(if they exists) Unless there comes a mass plauge or an outbreak of a deadly virus, i'm not convinced.

The only solution I can see is, we need to find a suitable 2nd planet. I would say mars, but it is said that thanks to it's dead core the electromagnetic field which earth has is dead, so we would be fried from the deady radiation even with an ozone. But then agian, it is furthure away so maybe its not as important??? whose up for terraforming mars? anyone?
Also, I heard in 2029, april 13 friday( coincidence??) an asteriod is going to come between us and our satilites. If it dosen't hit us then they say it will be back 7 years later ( back on friday the 13th) and will eventually smack into us.
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