2012 end of the world

I for one am going to be pissed if the world ends this year. I've spent my entire life in school and I'm finally graduating this year. So it better not end because I'm just getting started!!
im going with amanda boo on this with aliens. I mean look at all them big old structures they build back in the day and then they just stop. how did they do all that and then go back into loving in huts out in the forest and act like they didn't know how to making buildings and what not. but i also do believe in a higher power!!! chameleons are proof there is a god and he loves us!!! but i dont' know what he was thinking when he made veileds they are so mean!!!
Nothing will happen in 2012 . Think about it ... in the documentary ' Back To The Future ' , Marty goes to 2015 . Everything was normal .... so you see , we'll all be just fine . And if you need more proof ... look no further than ' The Jetsons ' .

Don't talk to me about the jetsons. I'm still pist we dont all have one of the vehicles below-


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My theory is that anyone who has a theory on what is going to happen will be proven wrong (including on the exact timing). My attorney has advised me to say nothing else..............
There certainly is a cure for cancer. The government doesnt want it getting out. They make too much money from treatments and medicines that dont work.


I dont trust my government one bit. They already know and have proof of ET's. Do you really think the Vatican would admit something like that if they didnt know there was proof. They have to plan for it or their goes all of their beliefs and more importantly, to them, money out the window.

about the cancer cure yes there is!the pharmaceutical companies make profit with government selling idiotical methods and drugs for cancer!i really know this and how this works (i'm a med student)...and thats very sad...but we can't change much ...thats the worst part
why don't people shed light on this so called "cure" if there is one? Theres plenty of people who would work hard on bringing its existence to light,...i for one am a bit skeptical.
but dosent that mean you will be proven wrong, which means everyone else maybe proven right???

Yes, it's a paradox, which means I'm still right........and everyone else who was right is also now wrong :D
I'm not saying the government wouldn't want to hide it, i know they would. There is a excellent oncologist in houston with his own private practice which has high rate a treating cancer. Everyone hates him because of this.

I would just think if enough people knew of a cure out there they would try to uncover it.
Yes, it's a paradox, which means I'm still right........and everyone else who was right is also now wrong :D

very confuseing,...but i doubt its a paradox. At first you say everyone with a theroy would be proven wrong that day right? so if your theroy of everyone being wrong is also proven wrong and instead everyone else is proven right, theres nothing to counterbalance you being wrong. Because your theory couldn't possibly be right.
very confuseing,...but i doubt its a paradox. At first you say everyone with a theroy would be proven wrong that day right? so if your theroy of everyone being wrong is also proven wrong and instead everyone else is proven right, theres nothing to counterbalance you being wrong. Because your theory couldn't possibly be right.

Well, first I'll be right though :). Because everyone will be surprised at the 'shift in consciousness' which will be a group 'happening' or won't happen at all.
So everyone who specified a theory will be proven 'wrong'.
Then of course it will turn out that I was always wrong. Meaning that everyone was wrong. Therefore I was right.

This of course proves me wrong. What an absurd uncertainty :D
My attorney is grinning but shaking his head.........I think he might have had too many drugs :confused:
I c,...and why must you keep mentioning your attorney???

Also what about those with the theory that nothing bad will happen globally? If they are proven wrong then the ones who think something terrible may happen will be proven right eh???
I c,...and why must you keep mentioning your attorney???

Also what about those with the theory that nothing bad will happen globally? If they are proven wrong then the ones who think something terrible may happen will be proven right eh???

I am continuing a reference earlier on in the thread to the film 'fear and loathing in las vegas' by Solid Snake.......................
Also I am being very silly :D
all of this is just the media trying to make money off parranoia. Although many religions speak of large changes during this december (mayans, hindu, budhists, etc) none of them say thats its going to be an end of the world event, in fact the mayan calender predicts a change that is not enviromental but physical, they say there is going to be a change in how humans act. The scientific part of us going through that void has happened hundreds of times, most of which nothing but small enviromental changes and even the largest which was aproximates 50000 years ago didnt cause the enviromental change that we humans have caused in the last 10 years, its all just hype from the media, and realistically people have made millions of dollars off of this theory, sure it may be slightly more likely than the 1999 catastrophy, its all just a scam.
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