2012 end of the world

ahh, is that what you call it " being silly".

I have never had a thread explode like this before lol. I only posted it last night.

Lol, what would you call it?
zombies, bigfoot, aliens, cancer conspiracies.............it's been fun, but most of this thread was nonsense before I joined in. No disrespect meant to anyone. We're all a little crazy sometimes, right? I know I am :D
You won't get a sensible scientific discussion with that thread title.............
Reminds me of 1999 when everybody said the world was gonna end in 2000. Ain't gonna happen. The world doesn't simply just end because somebody said so. Like another poster said... it's all propaganda for people to make money off of. Thinking about the mass suicides that happened before 2000 still makes me cringe. Stupid people ended their lives for no reason.
Stupid people ended their lives for no reason.

That is called natural selection.

The world wasnt going to be destroyed by Y2K, the thing was that civilization as we knew it could have ended.

The orbit of our solar system shifting from the north part, to the south part of the "Galactical Horizon" may have more of an effect than a clock not rolling over.;)
2000 was a joke. This is not even comparable to 1999 lol.

You can't deny things ARE happening right now. 2012/Age of Aquarius has been prophecised to be an 'awakening' of human consciousness and a transition from one phase of civilization to the next.

A better way to put it, is that hundreds of years ago they foresaw what is going on now:

Revolutions & Revolts, even the Occupy movements...has been GLOBAL. Never in history has there been revolutions like this on a global scale. It's only ever been isolated to single nations, empires, and dynasties.

The collapse of the old way. That can be seen in the revolutions obviously, but also in the economic collapse, and the New World Order, such as the European Union, etc.

Now as far as natural disaster goes, I am not a doomsday-ist. Strange things are happening though inside the Earth.

There really is no denying it.
Also, I would like to add that they have been proven 'right' already.

The influence of the Age of Aquarius began in the mid 1800s. Look at where we have come and are today compared to 1844. Almost every technological device you use on a daily basis, never existed 150 years ago. EVERYTHING outlined and predicted hundreds to thousands of years ago, has come to pass 'already'!

Everything the Age of Aquarius stands for has been happening for over 150 years, and 2012 is the boiling point of it...

....Just LOOK at what is going on right now, it is OBVIOUS we are at the boiling point. What all is going on right now, in terms of becoming a global civilization like Michio Kaku explains, Trumps just about every significant event in history.

And BTW, Alexander the Great even spent years searching for the UFOs that aided him in two battles. George Washington wrote about UFOs visiting him before a great battle. So did Thomas Jefferson. For almost a week before Columbus discovered the Americas, he was followed by a glowing sphere.

I really don't understand how people can discount all this amazing history. Christianity is the only thing that has made it taboo....but in 2008 that changed when the Vatican admitted the possibility of life on other planets, and that believing in such a thing is no longer a sin against God.

The "crazy Mayans" never said the world was going to end. Maybe a change but not end. This is just what prophecy wackos made up. To bad some arrogant religion decided to sail across the pond and destroy them and most all of their records or we would know a lot more about this.:mad:
Word dude!
Lol, what would you call it?
zombies, bigfoot, aliens, cancer conspiracies.............it's been fun, but most of this thread was nonsense before I joined in. No disrespect meant to anyone. We're all a little crazy sometimes, right? I know I am :D
You won't get a sensible scientific discussion with that thread title.............

Yes, yes it has been fun. When I first posted I was hopeing for a discussion of astronomy and the dangers we may face by passing through a new portion of the solar system that has already been proven to be a threat in the past, but it exploded into something far more entertaining!!
Oh forget you, that thing has been flying all over facebook today. And I am not baseing it off of the myans, more of the scientists. I'm also not a believer so what ever.

look at the views on the right,...652, its almost 666:eek::eek:
Oh forget you, that thing has been flying all over facebook today. And I am not baseing it off of the myans, more of the scientists. I'm also not a believer so what ever.

look at the views on the right,...652, its almost 666:eek::eek:

:confused:What happens when it gets to 666:eek:
Was looking at old threads for reasons of obfuscation. Anyone who commented want to take a trip down 'what onn earth does that mean' road;?
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