Bolt's Lack of Poop


Chameleon Enthusiast
My Panther, Bolt, has not had a poop in 12 days. He seems slowed down but everything else is normal. He has a dripper that drips all day. I changed my fogging schedule because his last poop was watery. 12 days seem like a long time between poops. He usually has 1 poop a week. Any suggestions?
I know hornworms can help loosen bowel movements but I’m not sure of anything else that could help 🤷‍♂️🤔
He has had 3 medium hornworms in the past 12 days. His last urate, on August 2, was not completely formed due to a large hornworm and using the FogFather's fogger. I dialed the fog down and started giving him 1 medium hornworm a week. Im now feeding him 5 medium feeders daily to encourage a poop. This is day# 3 where he has had 5 feeders. Still no poop. Unless he has a new poop spot. I've only checked his regular poop spot. I think I should check the flower pots. He generally poops from a lower branch which makes the poop easy to see on the cage floor.
I am very familiar with this type of situation. Typically for my guys it’s always been a temp issue. I agree with the above on feeding silks/hornworms. 12 days no poop and still eating normally, he’s going to be pretty backed up.
Is he on any medication and was his last fecal clear? Does he patrol his enclosure? Some natural light/outside time may help.
I'll get him outside today. E had 2 incidents where he poop while i was holding him. He just let it rip. I held him between his front claws and his tail with the back claws dangling. My daughter ran for paper towel
Placed it on the floor and Bolt completed his poop right on the spot. 💩
He's not on medication. His last fecal was clear. Yes he patrols his cage but he always poops in the same area.

He is known for massive poops!💩
I'll get him outside today. E had 2 incidents where he poop while i was holding him. He just let it rip. I held him between his front claws and his tail with the back claws dangling. My daughter ran for paper towel
Placed it on the floor and Bolt completed his poop right on the spot. 💩
He's not on medication. His last fecal was clear. Yes he patrols his cage but he always poops in the same area.

He is known for massive poops!💩
Glad to hear he pooped! My panther will not poop in his enclosure for some reason. When I see him pawing at the door I let him out on his stick, he poops, and then goes back in his enclosure. He won't come out any other time and he won't go in his enclosure until after he poops.
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