CH Nosy Faly update

Texas Ranger

Avid Member
Ok all here is some updated pics of our ch nosy faly babies :D let me know what you think.









I think I want one!!!! SO pretty already! Congrats! They are a great looking bunch!! Which of your pairs are these ones from??

Edit: um yeah on second look I would take any one of those males - the first one, the second, the 4th, get the wrap wont be necessary... : )
I think I want one!!!! SO pretty already! Congrats! They are a great looking bunch!! Which of your pairs are these ones from??

Edit: um yeah on second look I would take any one of those males - the first one, the second, the 4th, get the wrap wont be necessary... : )
Lol thats funny I got the other clutch hatching out now 20 are out and 8 still thinking about it. and they come from my wc female medusa breed in the wild:D
duuuude, awesome!!!!! really happy for you, those guys look incredible

thanks man they are really cool to watch grow each shed shows more and more:)
Lee they look AWESOME!!! I am super impressed with there size, and color at 2 1/2 mo. I don't think there is any doubt they are Faly.
:D The care you give your animals never ceases to impress me. You can tell those little guys get nothing but TLC 24/7. They look amazing man!! I can only hope when I decide to breed panthers I do half as good a job as you Lee. ;) I'm no pro, but I have a good feeling you will have another proven line in your collection from the looks of those little guys.
Lee they look AWESOME!!! I am super impressed with there size, and color at 2 1/2 mo. I don't think there is any doubt they are Faly.
They are little fattys the red runners they love I bet they go threw a few 1000 a week.
They look Amazing Lee! You guys are doing a great job with them :)

thank you suzi... Did that feeder supplier have what you needed?
:D The care you give your animals never ceases to impress me. You can tell those little guys get nothing but TLC 24/7. They look amazing man!! I can only hope when I decide to breed panthers I do half as good a job as you Lee. ;) I'm no pro, but I have a good feeling you will have another proven line in your collection from the looks of those little guys.

Thank you so much:) we think so too. And yeah all our babies are spoiled lol. And man its all on how much you care is how your babies do.. if you love them they will grow and look amazing. And thank you again for the complements:)
hehe ok one more comment...I keep looking through the pics...the little man in pic #5 is gonna be a stunning little guy...and all attitude!! I love the stance...he was born knowing he was something special! :D
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