Chameleon eats Lizard

do you know what the word potential means? it means there is a great chance these lizards COULD have parasites in them already! no where does LLL promoted perfectly hatched and raised feeder lizards. all they state is that they are quality lizards and for "finicky snakes"
Would you eat a fish with bones or a whole chicken breast bones and all. Thats about the same as feeding a chameleon another lizard........but If you was willing to debone it for your cham them thats a different story. Why even go through the trouble.

SO if you chop them up, take all the bones out and somehow get your chameleon to eat the remains its ok?
lol, you missed a thread few months back about a girl being afraid of feeder insects. that went out for ever constantly lol.
SO if you chop them up, take all the bones out and somehow get your chameleon to eat the remains its ok?

that makes no sence. look, chams are obviously capable of eating small lizards, insects, mice and rats, and even birds. what it boils down to is, is it healthy for them to eat them in captivity, and is it safe and healthy for them to eat wildcaught feeder lizards? realy? lets close this thread down.
Can chameleons eat small lizards?

How about mices?
Yes, that too.

Are small lizards (and mice too) good for their health?
It depends.

When do i consider it a good idea to feed them such small animals?
When chameleons are sick, malnourished and in need of fattening up.

Are they good in other situations?
I don't know, but i wouldn't risk it since such small animals are unbalanced for the needs of a good and healthy chameleon.

Is it ethically good or bad to feed chameleons such animals?
Ethic is reffering to YOUR OWN opinion of seeing things, along with YOUR OWN priorities. Therefore, i can not talk for everyone.

Do we, humans, have similar behaviors?
Of course: we could easily eat tofu, nuts and vegetable only, and have a healthy life, as much as chameleons could only eat insects and fruits.

What is the difference between our diet and the chameleon's diet?
I don't see any. We eat other animals because we want to. As i said, some people can easily live a healthy life without eating any meat, just like chameleons can. In the end, if we eat other animals, why couldn't chameleons? Therefore, i don't see any problem in having someone feed a chameleon with some small lizards if the chameleon wants to eat it, and if it's done when it won't jeopardize the chameleon's health.

Do you see anything bad in feeding chameleons some lizards?
Yes, at least two things: when people do it for FUN. When they laugh, and enjoy seeing a living animal, as small as it can be, suffer from being eaten. Sadly, some of the Youtube videos are like that, and it saddens me. Of course, some of them have educative reasons, and this is much better! The parasites are also another issue to look for.

Any conclusions?
The bottom line is: it's a personal choice. I believe this behavior can be good and bad at the same time. As good as it can be, it can also be a very bad idea. It all depends on the motive (why) and on the way it is done (how).
"I see no problems with feeding other reptiles to reptiles or even weaker offspring to parents"
Are u saying some people actually feed the weaker chameleon babbies to the parents?!!?!?


Senior member really means nothing here but I do not want to change the subject:rolleyes:

Definitely gutload them with some goodies before feeding them off or frying them up.

I see no problems with feeding other reptiles to reptiles or even weaker offspring to parents. If you are worried about parasites get your animal frequent fecals or breed the animals yourself. Some people have a problem with doing this themselves and some of those people will call you morbid for it. Personally I see no problem with this. I would not feed any primarily insectivorous species a large amount.
that makes no sence. look, chams are obviously capable of eating small lizards, insects, mice and rats, and even birds. what it boils down to is, is it healthy for them to eat them in captivity, and is it safe and healthy for them to eat wildcaught feeder lizards? realy? lets close this thread down.

Thats why i posted what i said because it makes no sense, just like people wanting to feed there Chams lizards when there is soo much other stuff.
Yeah to bad SYN isnt on here she would have let someone have it by now.... She is tooo Funny.
No, I require my cookies and ice cream before I will allow anyone to partake in the usage of any of my tomato sauce.
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