Chameleon parasite duration.

Think there is poop there, the urates should be like white chalk or slightly cream, yellow dehydrated orange severely dehydrated. The feces part can vary in colour depending on what it eats which isn't what it normally eats so might not be what your expecting to see.
If your dealing with parasites you'll have to be extra vigilant on the deep cleans and remove fecels immediately & don't leave food free-range 👍
OK! this really helps, next time i see a pee like this ill cup it and hand it over to the vet, sadly this one is 3-4 hours old
that urate sure was poop lol, it looked nothing like a urate when it dried up but was still its color, unfortunately he has not pooped today
k got the sample, hopefully it comes back negative, a little of me also kinda hope it is a parasite so if its treated they will most likely eat
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