Cleas 1st fertile breeding!

My god, you'd think stefan was a young girl considering abortion, get a reality check folks!

There is nothing wrong with popping the eggs. I don't no why people get so defensive when that subject comes up. Its better to take care of 10 chams 100% then 30 70%.

I agree! I cant for the life of me think of anything wrong with culling unwanted eggs.
How many of you eat chicken eggs?
The only concern for stefan should be getting his female through gestation/laying without health issues, and adjusting his care of her to limit the size of further clutches that may arise.
I hear you Rocky, bloody weird bunch these cham heads! :)
Only difference between chicken eggs and chameleon eggs are that chicken eggs are unfertilized and these have the potential to have babies.
That is why I dont agree with it rocky.

Dan-you want to hear something wrong?

That is why I dont agree with it rocky.

Dan-you want to hear something wrong?


and ?...............:confused:

Brings to mind Monty Python......'Every sperm is sacred' :D

Theres enough life 'living' already that is not getting the best of care,
why create/allow any that may suffer the same fate?
Better to appreciate and care for life that IS, than fret over what May be.


clea retains sperm, another clutch!

exactly. Very real possibility. However, despite mating, there is no garantee eggs will be fertile anyway, first clutch is never a sure bet.

The only concern for stefan should be getting his female through gestation/laying without health issues, and adjusting his care of her to limit the size of further clutches that may arise.
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"Theres enough life 'living' already that is not getting the best of care,
why create/allow any that may suffer the same fate?
Better to appreciate and care for life that IS, than fret over what May be

Lets not get outside of our little brains Dan, we are talking about a 12 year old and a clutch of veilds he is ever so prepared for.

if you want to get outside of the box though think about this, if your wife became pregnant all of the sudden you'd just abort the baby because "there is enough life around", right?
Ok as most of you would have guessed Clea is just probably not gravid. Today i brought her to see a male and she hissed and gaped at every male she saw. She showed her gravid colors but no eggs. I'm really confused but she wont be breed again. I am going to wait a couple more months until shes 1 and then try IF i decide to. I may not, and i may but like i said IF.
Its not about age, its about being able to spend about 1000+ dollars on babies and devoting your time to them, if you feel ready to do so then be my guest.
I just read this whole thread and i just can't believe people. It's ridiculous this forum has turned into a circus of psycho do gooders and i mean PSYCHO !!!! I'm speechless !!! I'm sure some of you would suggest that these animals have souls and they go to heaven when they die !! I personally don't believe humans have souls but that's another issue i don't care to discuss .I hear people suggesting that destroying eggs is comparable to human abortion how did you people get this way? I respect these animals for what they are animals i'm so tired of people comparing reptilian life to human life !!! As for you Stephan good luck i hope you have an enjoyable experience with hatching and raising your first clutch of chameleons ! Don't ever listen to what people on this forum say it's just opinions and we know everybody has one. In the future i would recommend researching things through books and internet don't ask forum members because i find that most of them are just waiting to come out of the woodwork to give advice that i can only describe as HORRID!!! Again Stephan good luck i really hope all goes well for you and remember you have done nothing wrong!!!!
Thank you. I agree sometimes this forum can get off topic that leads to other strange topics. I dont want to start anything if anyone disagrees.

Anyways thank you Phil
I'm sorry The breeding didn't work, but I'm glad you've decided to wait. Why not just wait for your pygmies? I'm sure they'll have plenty of babies :)
Isolate the female, let her lay, then when you think she might be ready to mate, add the male and rig up a camera! It may not work the first time, but eventually it may :) just don't leave the tank too bare, but not too full! :) I'm sure it'll work eventually!
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