Cuervo in Question


Avid Member

I thought this could use it's own thread...because I myself have never been 100% sure, and I am getting conflicting oppinions. Sexing Veileds was always incredibly easy for me until I encountered this Cham. Cuervo was a rescue I got in late may with no intentions of using as a breeder. Through the rehab I noticed that some of the colors Cuervo would throw when my fem Caddie was around were very vibrant. And I witnessed a head bob once or twice. The spur on this cham was very tiny along with the Casque... And depending on how the cham was posed... I would go back and forth on whether there was actually a spur at all.. But if you rub your finger you can feel that the spur is there...Just Tiny. I went back and forth on it myself...Male...well looks like a female... But there is that little spur... But I don't see a bulge! I finally said... Eh... I don't care what it is, and stuck with "he" since I like the name Cuervo, and wasn't going to breed it anyway. LOL Well when I posted a pic here... most people went with female. But yet some suggest that this could be just a confused male. I am really interested in the whole "She-male" idea that I have been reading about. Last night I tried to show Captain Mo' to Cuervo... Captian bobbed his head, and Cuervo did flatten out and fire up like a male would... but then proceeded to Gape and sway side to side like a female would:confused:. So here are the pics of "Shim".

What is your vote...


My vote at this point is for female. But does this look like a spur to you... If it is it is the smallest one I have ever seen.








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I agree female as well... Has anyone else ever had a female with a pretend spur? That thing is little...But is is not just skin.
If Justin says it is a female, it is a female. He is the veiled master. :D

Ok Im nt a veiled master, actually I dont even own one. When you described it in your last thread basically saying it has traits of both male and female and me reading the (Odd one out thread by chameleonnation) kinda makes me wonder. Read Jim Flharty from Chameleon Companies post describing the posibility of the panther in question being a hemaphrodite. He also said he has imported and raised a dozen so of each. ???????

Just want to get your brain cooking:D

By the way, he, she, or both its a damn nice looking veiled.
Thanks Cains!

Yeah I read that post Jim did right before I posted this. Very interesting. I was thinking she might be one of those cases... Seeing as normally by this age and size I see some kind of receptive behavior from the female...But nothing... And she obviously wants nothing to do with the males, but does not display gravid colors... Just that awesome pattern you see in the top pic.
At the same time she doesn't really show any interest for the females either... She has the same reaction. From what I have read I do believe that this is a major possibility. If it is a Female... I am hoping at some point she does become receptive, I will change my mind about breeding her since her colors are coming out so awesome.

Not sure if you would want to spend the money...but have you thought about taking this one to the vet to be x-rayed or any other body scans. That may be able to give you a definite answer on this :confused:. This is quite fascinating, and my guess would be a female btw.
Not a hermaphrodite ... or anything else "unusual"
Just ... female.*


*In my opinion
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