Does any species beat/match panthers with interaction?


Chameleon Enthusiast
I’m still deciding on a Cham, but since my kids will probably want to be involved as much as they can, the species that makes the most sense seems to be panther. Would love to hear any thoughts on other species that might match their activity/curiosity/friendliness. The one downside with panthers is I feel they are picky eaters in many cases.

I love parsons, but they seem to be on the shy side most days. Ive heard mixed on Jackson’s, the Kenyan bloodlines reportedly are more outgoing, but I don’t know to what extent or how true that is.

Just looking for a discussion 🙂 I know there’s a lot of individuality as well, but for example MOST veileds are not cool with handling, and many even get mad just seeing you.
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