Does any species beat/match panthers with interaction?


Chameleon Enthusiast
I’m still deciding on a Cham, but since my kids will probably want to be involved as much as they can, the species that makes the most sense seems to be panther. Would love to hear any thoughts on other species that might match their activity/curiosity/friendliness. The one downside with panthers is I feel they are picky eaters in many cases.

I love parsons, but they seem to be on the shy side most days. Ive heard mixed on Jackson’s, the Kenyan bloodlines reportedly are more outgoing, but I don’t know to what extent or how true that is.

Just looking for a discussion 🙂 I know there’s a lot of individuality as well, but for example MOST veileds are not cool with handling, and many even get mad just seeing you.
Whatever you do don't get a veiled. Too easy to get a raptor that tries to eat your face... Yes, I know I am horrible for speaking against Veileds but Beman is 1 in a million boy.

I really think your best bet would either a Panther or maybe like the smaller parsons. Forget their species names though. But size wise they are pretty similar. Maybe go with a breeder that you can talk to about helping you pick out a friendly baby.
Great question and something I've been curious about for years. I've asked similar questions in the past and if I recall correctly the consensus among the experts was that, yes, there are other species that at least match the "friendly" behavior seen in some panther chameleons. Unfortunately, I don't remember any details. Most of my personal experience has been with veileds and panthers. I'd love to hear from people who have experience with some of the less common chameleon species.
Whatever you do don't get a veiled. Too easy to get a raptor that tries to eat your face... Yes, I know I am horrible for speaking against Veileds but Beman is 1 in a million boy.

I really think your best bet would either a Panther or maybe like the smaller parsons. Forget their species names though. But size wise they are pretty similar. Maybe go with a breeder that you can talk to about helping you pick out a friendly baby.
A Cristifer Parsons by chance?
Hi! I actually have a few chameleons and one kid and this has been my experience so far. My kiddo LOVES our chameleons, however because its not an interactive animal (view a chameleon more like a pet fish), there are not many times when my kid will sit and watch the chameleons. She joins me in caring for them occasionally, cleaning the bug bins and doing research or watching YouTube videos to learn more and has even done reports on them in school.

I do believe she would spend more time with them if she could hold them and all that, but that is not what is best for the chameleon.

We currently have a Jacksons Xanth, a veiled, a panther and a OE parsons. I find that people that come to visit (and friends that come over to play) are far more interested in the panther because of his colors.

Now what I would suggest is you getting the chameleon that you want because you are interested in that species, you will be the one caring for it, you will most likely be the one observing it the most so get what you like. Make it fun and have the kids be involved too but I'd personally get the species I am interested in keeping.
Here’s my thoughts. Get whatever chameleon it is that you would like. Whatever the species, your kids won’t be able to interact as much as I think kids would want, or would quickly get bored. Then you can get your boys a bearded dragon, which is more interactive and fun for them. You’ve got your chameleon and your kids get a friendly reptile to start with. Win win all around.
If price isn’t a problem, I would opt for OG Parsons. They seem like the gentle giant chameleons they portray in captivity.

Or the Parson cristifer. The owner of Neptune the Chameleon, has one. Hers is adorable and seems super sweet.
Here’s my thoughts. Get whatever chameleon it is that you would like. Whatever the species, your kids won’t be able to interact as much as I think kids would want, or would quickly get bored. Then you can get your boys a bearded dragon, which is more interactive and fun for them. You’ve got your chameleon and your kids get a friendly reptile to start with. Win win all around.
I am 100% behind this as well. Beardies are adorable and kids just love them!
My veiled is calm and doesn't mind being handled... do they change as they grow?
I’m sorry…I laughed as soon as I read this. 😂 Yes, once they grow up, they don’t want anything to do with us except food. While there may be the rare exception, most are like this. My males have been shy and my females fierce…but I adore them.
I’m sorry…I laughed as soon as I read this. 😂 Yes, once they grow up, they don’t want anything to do with us except food. While there may be the rare exception, most are like this. My males have been shy and my females fierce…but I adore them.
He just put out a loud hiss at my cat when I was holding him. 🤣
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