Foggers -Yay or nay?


New Member
To be honest, I don't think I've heard too many positive reviews of ultrasonic foggers. Does anyone here use them? They definately create a nice effect but I have heard they are not reliable and can be unsafe. Currently, I hand mist my chams enclosure but I am expecting to be away from home in the near future. I will probably end up buying an automatic mister but I was just curious about foggers
Get ready for all the "NOs". I buy cheap humidifiers at target and put them on times. My new wc Tavs have humidifiers that come on 2 hours prior to their lights as they like to wake to at least 80%. So far so good. I have 5 humidifiers and use them as needed.:)
Yay yay yay, whether they be actual humidifiers or pet store supplies they are very beneficial. Use one. ;)
foggers are Yay for about the first two months you use them then they become Nay when they stop working. put your money into humidifiers.
really? i thought these things just lead to URIs..

anyway, a fogger can not replace a mister
Definately go for an automatic mister. I have to use the automatic mister and a humidifier right now because the room is so dry with the heat on. A humidifier/fogger wont replace the misting when you aren't there, but it's a handy tool to have when needed.
Yay, I have a reptifogger and it also doubles as my dripper. As condensation builds in the tube it starts to drip. I leave mine on at a low setting for hours. The fan does give up every 5 to 6 months. You call zoo med tell them you need a new fan and they send you a new fan for free with instructions on how to replace it. The other ones I cannot say anything about but the reptifogger is awesome, I have 2 and at the next reptile show I plan on getting another.
Definately go for an automatic mister. I have to use the automatic mister and a humidifier right now because the room is so dry with the heat on. A humidifier/fogger wont replace the misting when you aren't there, but it's a handy tool to have when needed.

Quoted for fact.

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