Frank's Thread

New carpet chameleons

I just picked up 1.2 new wild caught carpet chameleons. The two females came in gravid so I am keeping my fingers crossed for viable eggs. All three got long showers and drank heavily. All of them also ate right after their showers as well. The male has a small abrasion on one lip but other than that all three came in good condition for being wild caught.

The male.

Cup feeding dubia already. :)

The smaller (hopefully younger) female. She is very full of eggs.

The larger female is a real stunner. She appears gravid although not as far along as the smaller female.

Some of the other lizards

A VERY gravid Lygodactylus williamsi

Female jacksonii xantholophus

Young male jacksonii xantholophus that is finally starting to color up. Of course he darkened up as soon as I put the camera near him...
Successful Furcifer lateralis breeding :)

Today I noticed that my one female WC lateralis was showing exceptionally soft and beautiful colors. I tried placing her with a male ten days ago and she violently showed him off. Today went much better. :)

The gorgeous color that tipped me off.

What a pattern!

Successful copulation which lasted for twenty-five minutes.

Her colors just astound me. :eek:

The happy couple, post copulation. I will try again over the next few days to make sure it sticks.
Your animals are amazing! I always look forward to your thread's updates. :)

One is behind the curved stick on the left and the other is on the right side of the photo on the diagonal stick. :)
Your animals are amazing! I always look forward to your thread's updates. :)

One is behind the curved stick on the left and the other is on the right side of the photo on the diagonal stick. :)

Thanks Melissa! That is really nice to hear.

You win! The female is always easy for me to find. She likes to sit in that dead ficus most of the day, that's why I don't have the heart to remove it even though it's an eye sore for me. The male is usually harder to find. I took advantage of him sitting out in the open for once.
Carpet eggs

The successful results of the Furcifer lateralis mating. Twelve fertile looking eggs. :)

My adult male also mated my other female so hopefully more eggs soon. :)
Frank you are spot on. That gravid female is phenomenal, her colors just glow. What a beautiful cham.

Thanks for slipping in a quad picture while you were at Kevin's. I do need my fixes.:D Your pictures always make me happy no matter what they are of. Excellent job.
Frank you are spot on. That gravid female is phenomenal, her colors just glow. What a beautiful cham.

Thanks for slipping in a quad picture while you were at Kevin's. I do need my fixes.:D Your pictures always make me happy no matter what they are of. Excellent job.

Thanks Laurie. My wife LOVES Kevin's quad's (lol), every time she sees one she says I should get rid of my jacksonii to work with them. I might cave eventually... never enough space.

STC 1000, same as I use.

It's a pretty cool little unit. Very cheap and easy to wire up. I have heard nothing but good things about reliability and accuracy as well. Amazing that it can both heat and cool at that price point. I really want to build an incubator in a mini-fridge but my basement never gets above 68 F, even in summer, so not a big necessity for me.

Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome, thanks for checking it out. :)
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