Freaked - USPS hasnt arrived w/my cham!

SC to CA and vice versa is about the longest cross country stretch on the map. I know they offer overnight "to most destinations" but this excludes live animals, fwiw.

Last thing I shipped out was a Los Angeles to Boston USPS express mail package. I shipped it out at noon my time, and item was received before noon their time, 9am my time. albeit I'm a little closer to a main hub, LAX. And weather was'nt a issue. The content was a live thing, and a bit more fagile than a cham. But I do use UPS for chameleons because of their tracking system.

I really hope this has a happy ending.
No news, no updated tracking and aside from the poster who's relative is a postmaster, there is no detailed tracking info avail (aside from the theory it got stuck at a hub due to inclement weather)....

Not to be a downer, but last time I couldn't get tracking info from them, my package ended up in Maine 1 week after the delivery date instead of Missouri... Maybe someone already mentioned this can happen, but just throwing it out there so you know what sort of time frame you could be looking at.

I guess it really wouldn't matter at that point though :(
Let us know the minute you get an update Paige! I pray he still comes alive and you get atleast a partial refund for the stress and issue that has arrived.
Not to be a downer, but last time I couldn't get tracking info from them, my package ended up in Maine 1 week after the delivery date instead of Missouri... Maybe someone already mentioned this can happen, but just throwing it out there so you know what sort of time frame you could be looking at.

I guess it really wouldn't matter at that point though :(

The USPS dose not update tracking information until it gets top the local hub usually they have a very bad tracking system. Sometimes the package is never even scanned and arrives 2 day later without any status.
He's here and he's ALIVE! WEAK AS A MOFO BUT ALIVE. I'm steady misting his cage.. he's drinking and he's super calm. How long should I mist for? Come on guys, now I need expert help :)

Didint do the shower as I don't have a plant conducive to it. The plants in the cage are tied down with bamboo essentially.

Will post pics soon...
yay!!!! i misted mine for a good 10 minutes. i would do until there are plenty of droplets on your leaves.
He's very weak and unable to climb up the side of his cage... almost too weak to balance on the bamboo stick.
I would mist for 5-10 minutes, let him sit and drink for 5 minutes or so and then repeat a few times. If he doesn't continue to drink between mistings, I would start misting again.

OMG THANK YOU! HES ALIVE! *sigh of relief!
Just make sure that you give him an overabundance of small crickets so if he is as weak as you say, he will not have to try so hard to find his food. Also, just make sure that you keep his cage misted, let it dry out then re-mist. Let us know.
*breathes sigh of relief* We are sooooo pleased that he is safe and well!!

Cant wait to see pics of the lickle champ!
If he's that weak, he may not drink on his own. If after misting for a while he is not drinking, you may have to carefully try to give him some water through a pipette.

Make sure you contact the seller in writing (don't call, get everything he says in writing) and inform them that he has arrived and of the bad condition that he is in.

Chris, he's drinking straight from the damn mist bottle! Almost as if he was trained to do so :D It's the sweetest shit I've ever seen! I took pics of it. Give me a sec and I'll post em.

He is soooooo sweet !!! OMG! I'm in love with this guy!
Chris, he's drinking straight from the damn mist bottle! Almost as if he was trained to do so :D It's the sweetest shit I've ever seen! I took pics of it. Give me a sec and I'll post em.

He is soooooo sweet !!! OMG! I'm in love with this guy!

Wish my cham was sweet, friggin demonic behaivour my cham has lol. POST THOSE PICS
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