Freaked - USPS hasnt arrived w/my cham!

Chris, he's drinking straight from the damn mist bottle! Almost as if he was trained to do so :D It's the sweetest shit I've ever seen! I took pics of it. Give me a sec and I'll post em.

He is soooooo sweet !!! OMG! I'm in love with this guy!

That is what our boy does too....he drinks from the misting bottle, its totally adorable!!
so pleased he is drinking for you....sure that means he is fighting, I bet he will do just great after a few days relaxing and recuperation. Im so pleased you have fallen in love with him....he deserves it after the last few days!

That's a relief. In my admittedly limited experience, they are resilient animals (for all we think of them as fragile) and can bounce back from surprisingly bad seeming situations. I'm confident that your care is going to be all this baby needs to recover.

Pictures do seem to be a requirement....
Here's the man of the hour! I can NOT get over how friendly he is.. esp for a w/c! And he is SOOOOO BIG!! He drank for 30 mins solid, straight from the misting bottle. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.


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YAAAAY! Omg I'm so happy for you and your new cham. Now the next thing I require is his name!
Edit: Is it Trooper? Because that's awesome
Sweeet!!! I can finally stop refreshing this page and get some work done. He does not look as bad as I thought he would. I hope he makes a speedy recovery!
Sorry, just have to brag a bit. He's settling in. Finally stopped drinking. Modifications will need to be made to his cage as the bamboo is hardly big enough to sustain is enormous arse! What a beast :) I know virtually nothing about stressed chams but he seems ok right now? Just relaxing and chillin' at the moment.. Does he look OK?


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Wow, he is handsome. And, he looks pretty good. I bet he's in tip top shape in no time. Trooper would be an excellent name for him.
Wow, he is handsome. And, he looks pretty good. I bet he's in tip top shape in no time. Trooper would be an excellent name for him.

Let's take a vote :) I was sorta thinking "Miles" for the several thousand he traveled to make it here. LOL! Thanks for the kind words. I will offer him a few crix in about an hour or so..
Let's take a vote :) I was sorta thinking "Miles" for the several thousand he traveled to make it here. LOL! Thanks for the kind words. I will offer him a few crix in about an hour or so..

I would imagine the last two days was a quick trip if he was a WC. I would also imagine his first trip(s) were way worse?
YAAAAY! Omg I'm so happy for you and your new cham. Now the next thing I require is his name!
Edit: Is it Trooper? Because that's awesome

or Storm trooper lol plus he has the strength of a good storm....his arrival has also cleared the air so to speak. suddenly everyone can breathe
The waiting of his arrival also brought about a storm....yup my vote is Storm!!

Either that or Potens....which is Latin for, mighty, strong.
Sorry, just have to brag a bit. He's settling in. Finally stopped drinking. Modifications will need to be made to his cage as the bamboo is hardly big enough to sustain is enormous arse! What a beast :) I know virtually nothing about stressed chams but he seems ok right now? Just relaxing and chillin' at the moment.. Does he look OK?

He just looks dark from his ordeal probably.
He is very handsome indeed!
****** I wanted to let everyone know I've been in contact with the seller who promptly apologized and has already refunded me for the shipping. He did send as a "live reptile" and the package should have arrived yesterday. For all sellers reading this; you have to read USPS's fine print when it comes to live animal shipment. I wouldn't ever suggest using them to ship cross country under any circumstances but that's just my opinion. Anyway, he was MUCH RELIEVED the cham arrived alive and has admitted shipping without ice packs wasn't a wise choice. I feel confident he won't do it again. It's obvious to me (in my limited experience) that my cham has been well taken care of. I'll keep the seller updated over the next few weeks and I'm sure should any problems arise he will be more than accommodating. He has been professional, helpful, friendly and accommodating today and for that I am extremely pleased AND a lot less apprehensive about the transaction **** I LOVE MY NEW CHAM!**** He is super chill and his water bottle trick has stolen my heart.

Thanks to ALL who responded and who went out of their way to help and to offer much needed advice to a freaked out chick running on pure emotion. I truly appreciate it. I was so stressed and just knew I was going to open up a box containing a lifeless cham.. Many of you put my mind at ease and I am VERY thankful. Thanks again!!
OMG THANK YOU! HES ALIVE! *sigh of relief!
Just make sure that you give him an overabundance of small crickets so if he is as weak as you say, he will not have to try so hard to find his food. Also, just make sure that you keep his cage misted, let it dry out then re-mist. Let us know.

Um, actually, don't offer too many feeders at once. Little chams even when healthy get mesmerized by all the movement and have trouble isolating one to shoot at.

He won't be starving yet, work on the hydration and proper temps first. Dehydrated or stressed chams won't eat anyway. Let him settle before worrying about eating.

Oh sorry, I thought this was a cbb juvenile. A wc adult??? Wow. Probably why he did OK. They have to be tough to handle capture, importation, global shipping, etc. Hydrate him as you are doing, don't worry over much about eating right off, and after he settles in and starts feeding, take a fresh fecal to a vet for parasite analysis. A big stressor can cause a bloom in his gut freeloader levels. You don't want to load him up with anti-parasite meds while he is still recovering and only want to treat for specific problems. Also, he may only start showing his normal personality after he's been with you a while. Right now he's in survival mode.
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Glad to see him alert and drinking.

As FAR as names,.... What about Odysseus? I do like miles tho.

You can name him whatever you want and even change your mind as his personality emerges...he won't care at all and can't hear his name anyway.
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