Freaked - USPS hasnt arrived w/my cham!

Yea, I really though after his trip to this country, then the trip across country would not be a tough on him. I am glad he arrived safe and sound. I love happy ending.:D:D
Here's the man of the hour! I can NOT get over how friendly he is.. esp for a w/c! And he is SOOOOO BIG!! He drank for 30 mins solid, straight from the misting bottle. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.


I think everyone on this forum was following this so closely. This group rocks!!!!
paige,,, what WONDERFUL news!!!!!!!!!! first time checking in since this morning and i was sooo fearful as i read the "no show" posts... but now we can all celebrate he made it and looks like he faired quite well considering!!!!!

so on that note i think i'll go have "one" to celebrate!!!!!!!

oh yeah,,, i like the name "Miles",, i thinks its perfect!!!

good luck and keep us posted as to his improvement!!!!!!!! lisa
Um, actually, don't offer too many feeders at once. Little chams even when healthy get mesmerized by all the movement and have trouble isolating one to shoot at.

He won't be starving yet, work on the hydration and proper temps first. Dehydrated or stressed chams won't eat anyway. Let him settle before worrying about eating.

Oh sorry, I thought this was a cbb juvenile. A wc adult??? Wow. Probably why he did OK. They have to be tough to handle capture, importation, global shipping, etc. Hydrate him as you are doing, don't worry over much about eating right off, and after he settles in and starts feeding, take a fresh fecal to a vet for parasite analysis. A big stressor can cause a bloom in his gut freeloader levels. You don't want to load him up with anti-parasite meds while he is still recovering and only want to treat for specific problems. Also, he may only start showing his normal personality after he's been with you a while. Right now he's in survival mode.

Thank you for this information. I am just now going back thru the thread and reading all of the helpful tips and suggestions to help me get Big Boy back on track Will def take stool for culture prob the first of the week.
you can mist him directly (spray bottle around a foot or more away from him) but please dont mist into his mouth!
you can mist him directly (spray bottle around a foot or more away from him) but please dont mist into his mouth!

Why? i was slllloooowwww misting, allowing him to push into the bottle when he was ready for more. Why is this not a good idea? He was too weak to get situated and drink from the leaves.
Why? i was slllloooowwww misting, allowing him to push into the bottle when he was ready for more. Why is this not a good idea? He was too weak to get situated and drink from the leaves.

I would like to know why aswell because I do the same thing with Levi and I havent had any problems. I don't even mist its more like a dribble and he comes up to it himself and drinks!
I would like to know why aswell because I do the same thing with Levi and I havent had any problems. I don't even mist its more like a dribble and he comes up to it himself and drinks!

me three! Claude has started seeming to "enjoy" me hand misting in the am and he startes drinking as I am misting his face, and into his mouth (he is not sucking on the nozzle by any means, but the spray is going into his mouth) why would this be bad?:confused:
You may think they are going for more, but it only takes one squirt when they're not ready for it for them to inhale it into their lungs, and aspiration pneumonia can kill. I am super careful and thought nothing of it until my panther did inhale water. He was coughing (as much as reptiles can) and gurgled when he breathed and when I held his head down water just poured out of his mouth and nose. Luckily he did not get pneumonia, but I was really worried about it for a good few weeks. I won't squirt it into his mouth anymore, just on his nose and face so he can stop when he's ready. Best to let them set their own rate, and some chams don't make it they're done.
I too am overwhelmed that he arrived safely

But here is my 2 cents, do with it as you will:

when any being is deprived of water/food you should introduce them slowly and small amounts. if he didnt have food/water for 3 days, then it should take about the same to get him to full food/water.

small amts, given frequently will not "shock" his system. he wants to drink because his instincts are in full swing, so he will continue to eat and drink, without his body realizing it is time to stop

little water, tomorrow 1 crix, little water, tomorrow afternoon 1 crix and so on.

his intestinal system cant handle alot of anything right now.

I have witnessed horses colic and die because their owners "killed them with love", by trying trying to give them too much too soon.
jmo, anne
ferret said it well. it is very easy for a healthy or even easier for a sick/weak chameleon or any lizard to aspirate with this method.

sonoftigerpanther made some really good points also.
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Champ would be another great name...I tend to like the simple names for pets.

As to the drinking...I understand both sides of that discussion. If you accidentally squeezed too hard, you could, potentially, kill your chameleon.

But, it's so cool when they take the water right from you.

So, I'd like to offer an alternative. Get a PLASTIC dropper (easiest and cheapest way might be to buy a kiddy fever reducer, they are often packed with a plastic dropper..just be sure to dispose of the unused meds safely). Then use that to push water into your chameleon's mouth. If you are willing to stay outside the cage and work through the mesh, you can use a glass dropper (there are stories of the animal biting the dropper so if that's possible, you don't want glass!). I had many rewarding months giving my first chameleon water this way.
I like human names.......

My guys are named either, after who I got them from, or names they came with OR for the melleri, androgynous names.
Thanks guys.. I hope I didn't harm him by offering too much too soon but he was soooooo parched. When I opened up his box it must have been 100 degrees inside. He made it thru the night and ate 5 crix this am (before I read this post). He's chillin on his stick right now.. I won't feed him again until tomorrow and he's no longer interested in the mist bottle... All I can do now is watch and wait. He did consume A LOT of water yesterday but he never appeared to aspirate or inhale any. It was thru the mesh screen which added a buffer to the 'direct spray', if that makes sense?
Thanks guys.. I hope I didn't harm him by offering too much too soon but he was soooooo parched. When I opened up his box it must have been 100 degrees inside. He made it thru the night and ate 5 crix this am (before I read this post). He's chillin on his stick right now.. I won't feed him again until tomorrow and he's no longer interested in the mist bottle... All I can do now is watch and wait. He did consume A LOT of water yesterday but he never appeared to aspirate or inhale any. It was thru the mesh screen which added a buffer to the 'direct spray', if that makes sense?

I'm sure you did no harm. I personally would offer a dehydrated animal as much water as they wanted.

Glad that he is eating and drinking well and so happy he made it to you - finally!
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