Gabriel, My New Meller's


Biologist & Ecologist
My facebook friends have heard enough about this guy/girl by now but it's time to introduce him to everyone else. I got him in yesterday (delivered at almost 2:30pm instead of 10:30am!) but he arrived alive and well. He is WC so he'll get checked out in the next few days once he's had a chance to settle in a little bit, but besides being just a little thin, stressed, and having a broken toe, he looks pretty darn good physically.

He is getting loads of water, has 2 drippers running continuously, and is being left alone as much as possible. But how could I not snap at least one photo?


I'll get better photos in a few days.

PS. Maybe only some of you will get the reference, but my boyfriend wanted to name him Megaweapon!
Olimpia he is just gorgeous!!!!!!!!

I have an idea as to why Jonathan suggested calling him "Megaweapon"!!! :eek:
Olimpia congrats!!!! Mellers have a different look to them than most of the other chams namely panthers, veileds, carpets, etc. Keep everyone posted on his/her upkeep and temperament. Once again congrats!!!!
I followed your stressed posts yesterday on facebook, and was relieved as well when he arrived ok! I love Melleri, they looks so sweet and gentle. I also love the name you have chosen. I am another one that doesn't 'get' the Megaweapon thing, lol! :confused:
Yet another member with a melleri! Ugggh! One day I will own one of these gentle giants!! Congrats! You're so lucky!!! :D
Wiw hes nice looking , on black friday i got my very first chameleon hes a veiled chameleon hes a baby bout a month old id say :) anyways nice chameleon :cool:
Olimpia he is just gorgeous!!!!!!!!

I have an idea as to why Jonathan suggested calling him "Megaweapon"!!! :eek:

Thanks Lisa! It's from a really cheesy 80's movie that he loves. He always has the worst names for Meller's! The baby I had last year would have been "Ripper" if it had been up to him!

Olimpia congrats!!!! Mellers have a different look to them than most of the other chams namely panthers, veileds, carpets, etc. Keep everyone posted on his/her upkeep and temperament. Once again congrats!!!!

Yes they do, I love them! Thanks!

He's so awesome!! I've always loved mellers. Is in your cage line you've posted pics of or does he have his own new area?

Thanks! Poor Daedalus was demoted to a different cage because his had the thickest branches out of everyone, so his cage was moved into his own corner and it sits open, so all his water and basking is in the cage but he has a free range so he can move horizontally if he wants. I didn't know otherwise how to manage all the water! But he's stayed in the cage so far, he just wants water and a spot to bask more than room right now.

I would have liked to have moved first and make a huge outdoor cage but I needed to jump on the opportunity of getting one. We move in 3-4 weeks anyway, so he'll get his huge cage soon enough hopefully.
Thanks everyone!

Now I'm really glad that I started breeding large roaches a year ago, crickets are not really going to do it for this guy.
great looking cham. he looks beefy and the crix are def not going to make that guy full. ;)

Thanks! No, not at all, crickets look like little mints! I offered a large bowl with a couple discoid adults and a large adult fusca roach and he nabbed the fusca (the way bigger roach), so I am definitely glad I have those breeding. Hornworms will not be a challenge to this guy either!
What is a mellers? That is a huge Cham bleeding Christ. I don't know what to say still overwhelmed. Never new a Cham this size and can handle hornworms with no prob. Congrats and best regards
What is a mellers? That is a huge Cham bleeding Christ. I don't know what to say still overwhelmed. Never new a Cham this size and can handle hornworms with no prob. Congrats and best regards

These guys are known as Meller's chameleons, Chamaeleo trioceros melleri, or Giant one-horned chameleon and they are the largest chameleon species in continental Africa and are in the top three largest chameleon species on the planet (with Parson's being the largest and heaviest). I haven't measured this guy yet or anything but they can easily be 24" from tip to tip.

They are a little uncommon in the states and are usually imported WC from Tanzania. Not very many CB babies very often, so it's exciting to get my hands on another one after over a year of looking.

I am really jealous, looks great! I am in love with mellers

He looks great Olympia! Can't wait until I am able to look for some. (I am STILL working on my Mellers room.) So glad he arrived in such good shape.

After looking at many chams I really want one of these guys i went back and forth thinking of a new cham to get (my parents are getting me one for my birthday) and I want something big! I know these guys are pretty stress sensitive and all. But olimpia do you have a caresheet or a link where I can learn the care for these guys? And you got a nice guy there!
After looking at many chams I really want one of these guys i went back and forth thinking of a new cham to get (my parents are getting me one for my birthday) and I want something big! I know these guys are pretty stress sensitive and all. But olimpia do you have a caresheet or a link where I can learn the care for these guys? And you got a nice guy there!

This is pretty much the best resource on them available:

I decided tonight to build him a larger open cage, so we stacked our Lowe's shelving unit, set up some drainage, and all I need is to go get some branches and large plants tomorrow. The front will still be open so he doesn't feel caged in but I wanted to provide a larger area where he could still get everything he needed, so he has a 6' H x 4' W x 2' D cage right now, and the option to leave the area and have a wider area to explore. I think this will work much better for the next 3-4 weeks until we move. But the point is, definitely think about how much space you can dedicate to these guys!
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