Got some Silkworms!!!

@Spyro88 has some now ;) We spend almost as much time with our bug babies as we do our chameleons.
i spend more time on feeders (cleaning tubs cutting egg crates, chopping veggies for gutloading dusting and all that jazz) than my other room mate spends on her dog

I've got a pretty wide assortment of veggies for my gutload (human and insect) should I stick to carrots or would sweet potatoes or greens be any better / worse ?[/QUOTE]
So what I was told was in a pinch you can give shaved carrots or like romaine lettuce. But only for a few days at most.
I would be interested in buying some if someone can point me in the right direction!
I know this thred is about silkworms I have tons of hornworms. I've been growing really really fast. I've only had them for two weeks but this is about the size. Keep in mind they were raised from eggs. 15525138543102473050934465126748.jpg I also have some we just bought that are 2 week old too 1552513937843866607170057357833.jpg
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