help male acting strange only wants to climb down


New Member
So my male chameleon normally happy active loves to sit in his light at the top of the cage loves to eat and drink.... suddenly he wants nothing to do with the top of the cage anymore it seems like he has a compulsion to be at the bottom of the cage... He usually has a very strong grip as well and an excellent climber. Now it seems like he cant really hold on to anything and doesn't want to. I go to put him at the top of the cage and he will not hold on all the way and he slides down.. he also doesn't want to climb up only down and he will hang for long peroids of time by his from legs and let is back dangle it seems like he doesn't want to use them at all... when I hold him he usually always climbs to the top of my head immedatlly now all he wants to do is sit in my hand..... please help I haven't changed anything I normally do and this happened so suddenly ..
more info

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Veiled , I don't know how old he is still juvinalle though
Handling - once sometimes twice a week
Feeding - crickets super and meal worms, 5-10 crickets 2-3 superworms aday
Supplements - flunkers calicium with d3,exo terra multi vitiamn, I dust once sometimes twice a week
Watering - he has a constant drip and flowing water, yes I see him drinking
Fecal Description - poop is normal
Cage Type - half glass with screen addition on top its about 4 feet tall
Lighting - light is on from 8am-9pm 13 watt florescent 50w basking extrerra
Temperature - top 90 -80 middle 80-70 bottom 70-60
Humidity - humidity is about 70
Plants - no live plants on fake silk
Placement - it is in our bedroom but we only use the room to sleep and the cage is from dresser to almost celling
Just based on your supplementing schedule, I think what you are seeing are symptoms of MBD, metabolic bone disease.

Without pictures, I cant say for sure.

But you arent supplemetning correctly.

You should be using a calcium with no d3 every feeding, the calcium with d3 twice a month, and a multivitamin twice a month.

No calcium means your chams bones grow weak.

Loose grip, falling, not wanting to climb, are all the start of the disease.

You also dont mention having a UVB bulb, which is vital to a healthy cham.

Please post some photos.

first 3 are current last is what my handsome boy usually looks like

iphone 5555 2602.jpg

iphone 5555 2609.jpg

iphone 5555 2643.jpg

iphone 5555 2250.jpg
I cant tell if its the angle of the pics. but the first pic shows some bowing in the front leg.

See how the elbow doesnt come to a point then turn into the rest of the arm, but instead its rounded out?

If thats what it actually looks like, then your cham has MBD.

Even if the arms and legs are perfectly straight, with no bowing and no extra joints or rounding of the joints, his supplementing is way off, and this can lead ot MBD.

You need to change your supplemeting and get a UVB bulb ASAP
In your first post I don't think your supplementing correctly, could you be more specific on this. Change your lights and start giving calcium without D3 just about everyday. With D3 once or twice a month.
Has he definitely got spurs on his back feet? I can't tell.
I agree with cammimom , you need to get your supplements right and that UVB.
The new pic of his left side his arm and leg looks ok.

But you need to correct the lighting and powders now, or the mbd will develop.

the symptoms you are seeing, not wanting to climb, the falling, etc. are all beginning issues of MBD.
Has he definitely got spurs on his back feet? I can't tell.
I agree with cammimom , you need to get your supplements right and that UVB.

Its a male, def, you cansee the yellow bars.

hes just got a lot more yellow on him than green
13watt what natural light are you sure its uvb? 5.0 or higher cause without that no matter what supplements or food you give him he will not get properer calcium
the one bulb is a florescent uvb that's what it says on the box. so he does have a uvb bulb.. and I will give him more calcium but im still concerned on why he wants to keep climbing down he has spots to stop and rest if he doesn't want to hold on anything but he still keeps going down ill put him at the top of the cage and he still climbs all the way to the bottom
55 001.jpg
the one bulb is a florescent uvb that's what it says on the box. so he does have a uvb bulb.. and I will give him more calcium but im still concerned on why he wants to keep climbing down he has spots to stop and rest if he doesn't want to hold on anything but he still keeps going down ill put him at the top of the cage and he still climbs all the way to the bottom
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well your temps have something to do with that.
they like temps around 88.
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