Help please


Hello, so my chameleon has bad gout and me and my vet have been trying to fight against it but it hasn't been going well. Today we took him in for another appointment because my vet had a specialist that has had more training than him with small reptiles and she said the same thing as my vet thay his gout isn't getting better and he's basically slowly heading towards death. My vet said we can try to give him pain medication and some other medicine to try to give him a little longer life. I was wondering if I should just have them put him to sleep now since he is in a lot of pain from the gout or if I should try to medicine. I hate thinking about my cham being in a lot of pain everyday and I'm just stumped on what I should do at this point. Thank you for any input.
I'm unsure what to say, it's a big decision to make. What's his day like can he gey around o.k.? Can you post a pick?
He wasn't moving around very much in his cage anymore but he was still eating and drinking so I don't notice it was that bad. Right after I got home to the vet I couldn't live with myself for letting an animal go through pain so I called the vet back and got him in and put him down. The 4 months I had him he was a great cham who I'm happy to have shared time with. He was a runt which I'm sure made it easier for him to get sick but im not sure. I did everything the vet said to do to try and fight against the gout but it is a difficult thing to fight against. Thank you for all the help I got from forum members throughout these four months, from my first question on his sex all the way to my last post about his new enclosure. I had fun with my little runt veiled, who only grew about 1 centimeter in 4 months and never got bigger than my pinkie finger, and I can't wait until I get another cham.
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