Help Yoshi is sick!

I have been trying to save him sence he stopped eating 2weeks ago it just keeps progressing towards the worst and I don't have the funds to go to the vet my dog just hurt himself last month that cost 500 and I had surgery done for his lump on his nose when he was a yr but I'm not made of money and the care credit card is already at its max... I have done everything I can think of I'm almost wondering if it's a health issue he has had with the lump in his nose and the surgery helped for only so long until it is in need of draining again but the surgery was so stressful the first time I couldn't make him go through that again even if I had the money I opened his mouth up and he has yellowish goop in his mouth to he refuses to open up for water or open his eyes or anything like I said it keeps getting worse and I know at this point he may b to far gone... :(
Could be the nose bump is the root of the problem....but you will need a vet if it's to give him antibiotics and do a culture and sensitivity test. Maybe the vet could work out a payment schedule for you?
Sounds like he has a major infection... possibly stemming from his previous surgery...

But I'm not an expert and even if I was I would need to be able to examine him in person. He needs to go to a vet asap... If you don't want to put him through the stress of surgery or can't afford it then he at least needs to be taken to be put down. It's not fair to let an animal linger in that condition if there's no chance of him getting better.

I'm really sorry to hear about your cham. I hope you can make him well again but if not I hope his passing is as easy as possible for both of you.

Good luck.
The bump on his nose is most likely a sinus infection or abcess which needs medical treatment. I have seen it on here many, many times. It will not go away on its own. You are just letting him suffer. I would atleast have him humanely euthanized. My vet did not even charge me to have my chameleon put down when the time came. Maybe yours will do the same or charge you very little.
I will as soon as I can but I am an experienced reptile owner and know what I am doing I am mostly looking for personal experiences similar to this situation and what helped and what u were recommended by ur vets ect.

IMHO from reading this thread...there are several things going on at once here and I really doubt you can do much to help him on your own.

1. Supplementation was not correct, so he has developed nutritional imbalances over time. He's generally less able to heal from his surgery or fight off the infection. It takes time to develop deficiencies and would take time to correct them.

2. His prior surgery for the abscess probably didn't get rid of all of it and it has recurred or spread through his sinuses. They can be difficult to treat. Spreading sinus infections can affect the eyes. One could have lead to the other.

3. If he's already weak from the nutritional deficiencies this will compound the other problems. He's not going to drink or eat as well which again compounds the other problems. The more dehydrated he gets the less he'll eat. He may also be in pain so is reluctant to eat or drink. Downward spiral. Such sunken eyes are a sign of more general collapse, not just dehydration. I also think the loss of motor control is another sign of general weakness and collapse.

If you can't take him back for vet care I would have him put down. He's not going to recover from this on his own. Not even sure a vet could help very much and he may be too weak to stand more treatment for the abscess.

So sorry this happened to him!
Just wanted to update everyone I spoke with my vet and he said he seemed to have broken his tail and in turn the infection moved up from there causing the loss of motor control and overall downfall he said if I could get him hydrated enough we could try amputation of the tail but he never made it that far he passed 2days ago thanks everyone for your comments it has been sad I keep having to remind myself he is gone. Rip Yoshi u were an amazing lizard and u will b missed.
Yoshi 2.5yrs old


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So sorry for your loss. It sounds like a bunch of physical ailments compounded by a broken tail as well as other problems. Sometimes it is just too hard for these lizards to recover.
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