
This is her cage. She does have an elevated feeder bowl. (Ignore the Tupperware that catches the access water lol)


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Well they naturally get d3 from there lights from wat I understand and to much can b very toxic to them and the same with the multivitamin they need a small boost but to much is not at all good for them
I kno a vet bill SUCKS!!!! But honestly a heavy parasite load can cause all kind of problems quick I would not take any chances they can cause an animal to stress and stop eating and I have seen some geckos that never started back eating :(
I just want her to be healthy. When I went back to the pet store today they still had her cage mate and she has literally doubled in size compared to him in twelve days. They also had a panther who had sunken eyes that he wouldn't open and she was trying to say he was just napping and it was normal. It makes me sad bc as little as I know this forum has been an amazing help and I know better. If I ever purchase again it will be from a sponsor site.
Did your Cham take to them immediately? I tried for two days to get her to eat worms before I took them out because I was scared she would starve, lol. As I was putting the crickets in her cage she was eating them while I was still placing them so I know she was hungry she just refused the worms
Yes my cham did take to them right away. I always try to make sure the feeders are in a place where my cham will see them and the feeders have movement to me that is the key to getting your cham to eat. Dubia roaches tend not to move much when they are in the light they freeze I use a deli cup tilted slightly to one side the dubia can't get a grip on the plastic and constantly shuffle their feet and it got my chams attention now pretty much what ever I drop into that cup she eats (now she will even eat fruits and veggies). Crickets move around alot and are a very easy attractive prey for chams but can make it a bit harder to switch to a diff feeder that doesn't move as much.
Yes my cham did take to them right away. I always try to make sure the feeders are in a place where my cham will see them and the feeders have movement to me that is the key to getting your cham to eat. Dubia roaches tend not to move much when they are in the light they freeze I use a deli cup tilted slightly to one side the dubia can't get a grip on the plastic and constantly shuffle their feet and it got my chams attention now pretty much what ever I drop into that cup she eats (now she will even eat fruits and veggies). Crickets move around alot and are a very easy attractive prey for chams but can make it a bit harder to switch to a diff feeder that doesn't move as much.
She seen the worms. She went over and watched them she just never made a move. With the crickets she is like a stealthy, master huntress lol.
I kno a vet bill SUCKS!!!! But honestly a heavy parasite load can cause all kind of problems quick I would not take any chances they can cause an animal to stress and stop eating and I have seen some geckos that never started back eating :(
I am going to have her checked. I found one local vet clinic that works with reptiles. Hopefully that's the only thing. She has grown and did very well since we've had her.
She looks around 5-7 months in my opinion. If you got her from petco or pets mart I wouldn't pay any attention to their age estimations they don't know anything. Chameleons when they are born, most can fit on the edge of a quarter. They grow extremely fast. She will need a plain calcium every feeding, and calcium with d3 twice a month, multivitamin with a preformed vitamin A twice a month. I also recommend for veiled chameleons who are sold in big stores that get their veiled poorly bred, a liquid calcium supplement from the vet only, to give to her a few days before and after she lays eggs. It will make recovering and egg production easier on her. It will also help stop her from developing mbd which is easily possible with any cham, especially those with poor breeding.
I just want her to be healthy. When I went back to the pet store today they still had her cage mate and she has literally doubled in size compared to him in twelve days. They also had a panther who had sunken eyes that he wouldn't open and she was trying to say he was just napping and it was normal. It makes me sad bc as little as I know this forum has been an amazing help and I know better. If I ever purchase again it will be from a sponsor site.
Yea I went to one Petco and There chams were huge and the sine said 4-5 in juveniles but these guys were like half grown then I noticed that they had strange growths on them and scabs so I asked the guy wat was going on with them and he said they had a pox virus and should not be selling them but yet they were more than willing to sell them how ever I ended up wanting one bad enough that I drove to another Petco and bought one but I wouldn't do it again I mean my guy is great but supporting Petco is shameful lol and I am ashamed o_O
She looks around 5-7 months in my opinion. If you got her from petco or pets mart I wouldn't pay any attention to their age estimations they don't know anything. Chameleons when they are born, most can fit on the edge of a quarter. They grow extremely fast. She will need a plain calcium every feeding, and calcium with d3 twice a month, multivitamin with a preformed vitamin A twice a month. I also recommend for veiled chameleons who are sold in big stores that get their veiled poorly bred, a liquid calcium supplement from the vet only, to give to her a few days before and after she lays eggs. It will make recovering and egg production easier on her. It will also help stop her from developing mbd which is easily possible with any cham, especially those with poor breeding.
She actually came from a "family owned" pet store. I bought her the day the received her from the breeder. This is a better perspective picture on my fingers (she was in a mood lol). She is only about 3 inches long nose to vent. They said she was born in July.


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If she comes from petco or petsmart she may be sick of mealworms and that is kinda a good thing they aren't that good for chameleons when she is full grown Super worms (Zophobas morio) (also don't buy small super worms some bad pet stores sell meal worm as small super worms there is a big difference) are good every now and again they act kinda like roughage for cham bowels.
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