Hi new here

Chrissie 88

New Member
Hi all got 4 month old panther chameleon today, is veg ok for him as well as locus ? Thanks x


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Veg as in vegetables? No Panthers are insectivores, only Veiled chams eat leaves commonly. So you will need Crickets, Locus, superworms, Dubia or similar roaches, or other interesting bugs lol. But You wanna try mixing up their diets on occasion!
Yea vegetables oh ok thought they could have them ok that's great thanks ! IL stick to locus and then try crickets in week or so
Hi I've turned his light of for night but he hasn't moved to a sleeping place or anything will he just sleep when he's ready ? Sorry for daft question just my 1st night x
Yes once you turn off all the lights eventually he will go to a spot he feels is okay, curl up his tail and sleep. Make sure its kinda dark where he is at though.
Hi I've turned his light of for night but he hasn't moved to a sleeping place or anything will he just sleep when he's ready ? Sorry for daft question just my 1st night x
Set your lights on timers 10 -12 hours Duration. He will sleep. Also let him have his space ,needs to adjust to his enviroment. Patients(y);).
They get stress out. Awesome boy, take more pictures of him and enclosure also post them.
I turn his light of 10 at night and turn on 10 in morning , he did go to sleep last night in different place , he's full of colour and beans today lol loving him, qq how many locus is sufficient a day for 4 month old would u say ? As it seems he just would eat n eat lol if i let him xthat him this morning x


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The guy I got my chameleon off has bread them and had them for years, he wouldn't give me information or tell me to do things wrong if it wasn't right.
I've read your care sheet. Some of it is right but some of it we don't do hear in UK. I no all there is to no, only reason I posted a question here other day was because my man was at funeral, and couldn't reply, didn't expect the terrible response I got . From some of u
I've read your care sheet. Some of it is right but some of it we don't do hear in UK. I no all there is to no, only reason I posted a question here other day was because my man was at funeral, and couldn't reply, didn't expect the terrible response I got . From some of u
Well, I was polite and trying to be helpful. But I wish you the best of luck to you and your cham. He's cute.
I have a male panther that looks just like yours! He may be a year old by now and just got his new cage this morning. In the US, many use screen cages, but then we tend to cover one to three sides to contain the humidity. But I have notice that in the UK, glass is most common in the market. The debate continues, lol. Many glass set up added a fan to one vent to circulate air. One guy use a USB fan with an iPhone charger. Since I have no clue to where my cham will like to sleep, bask or hang out, and they move to the temp that they need at the moment, I added five 6 ft vines and lots of branches at all levels, then artificial plants for more coverage and two live plants. The Mistking mister is operating, and I think it's almost complete, but I will probably add more to his 4 x 2 x 2 ft cage.
Oh wow cool, yes he's only 4 months just settling in, he seems happy n relaxed, and over time he will have bigger viv and lots more plants etc , for now tho he's just finding his feet, he goes right to the top to sleep at night noticed he likes that when lights out lol
I feed mine mostly crickets, dusted with calcium of course. He eats less than when he was a juvenile, but I bought some dubia roaches months ago and was attempting to breed them, but do not know if he will eat them. So I'll find out as soon as the crickets are gone [since crickets have a short life span and dubias live for much longer]. But I am reluctant to try them so soon after switching cages and I'm run low on banded crickets. It's a bit too cold to have them shipped [I usually order 500], so I may need to buy at the local Petsmart, which don't seem to live long.
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