Lizard jail

Watching gators eat isn't that bad... It's more when they try to go back to semi rotting meat in the water and it smells gross as well you know XD
I don't handle a lot of blood and guts very well. A little is fine, but a lot...:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

I do like the part about the alligators hunting the coyotes free range, just not the watching them get eaten part. I went to a summer camp once where I could choose four of about thirty different activities to do for an hour every day for the two weeks I was there. The nature class, of course, was my top pick. They had a whole room full of geckos, snakes, tortoises, turtles, and other reptiles. On the last day, we would put a bunch of crickets in a big plastic bin with a two tortoises. The last cricket alive was awarded with freedom. Maybe we could do the same thing and let the last coyote in the moat could go free?
I think you are all forgetting that lizard jail is not going to be how you want it. We would not encourage the behavior you would be punished for.
Lizard jail would be something that is not to be taken lightly.
Alligators in the mote, and frilled dragons to make sure the alligators don't miss!
Looks like they are doing it.
No matter what type of the mode ,u will need more then the XXXXL drainer pan to stop the California flooding type of shades with Alphakenc,just dont blame me after the 9months,when I scream at all the ladies n Yell "u need to Push":rolleyes::love::LOL:
Bad grls, bad grls
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

When you were eight
And you had bad traits
You go to school
And learn the golden rule
So why are you
Acting like a "bloody" fool
If you get hot
You must get cool........
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