Lizard jail

I imagine there wouldn't just be random deer and elk wandering around the premises though... the larger reptiles would have eaten them if so. They would make sure we as prisoners would get nothing.
I imagine there wouldn't just be random deer and elk wandering around the premises though... the larger reptiles would have eaten them if so. They would make sure we as prisoners would get nothing.
Deer are everywhere you can't escape them.
There are possums, raccoons, rabbits, skunks, red, black, grey squirrels and a dozen species of birds in my yard and the odd garter snake, fox, coyote and deer down the street a couple of blocks. A duck built it's nest in my yard and hatched it's eggs here last year....and I'm in the middle of a subdivision. Oh yeah...and a beaver down the road a mile or so too.
There are possums, raccoons, rabbits, skunks, red, black, grey squirrels and a dozen species of birds in my yard and the odd garter snake, fox, coyote and deer down the street a couple of blocks. A duck built it's nest in my yard and hatched it's eggs here last year....and I'm in the middle of a subdivision. Oh yeah...and a beaver down the road a mile or so too.
You got the best all you can eat buffet right there.
So you and your wife are past the good years Virgil described too? :)

There's a possum, a raccoon and a skunk on mybnpatio right now.
My mom talks about the days before fire and my dad really does talk about living in a house without any running water and using corn cobs as toilet paper in the outhouse
Garter snakes do bite...I got bitten by one. Hog nose snakes on the other hand feign death, act like a cobra with the flattened neck, defecate on you and even then might not bite.

I went to a one roomed school....we had an outhouse until I was 6 and we could go away for a week without locking the doors, we cooked on a wood stove, had water from a well and often woke up with a cow sitting with its back against the door so we couldn't get out of the house.
My mom talks about the days before fire and my dad really does talk about living in a house without any running water and using corn cobs as toilet paper in the outhouse
Back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. I can't figure out how my grandparents survived the meteor that killed even the toughest T. Rex. Guess people were just built stronger back then. No such thing as a medal for participation then.

There are possums, raccoons, rabbits, skunks, red, black, grey squirrels and a dozen species of birds in my yard and the odd garter snake, fox, coyote and deer down the street a couple of blocks. A duck built it's nest in my yard and hatched it's eggs here last year....and I'm in the middle of a subdivision. Oh yeah...and a beaver down the road a mile or so too.
Lucky! All the smart animals have learned to stay away from my house. My little brother goes trigger happy with a pellet gun on anything unfortunate or dumb enough to wander into our yard, as long as it's smaller than a deer. He has traps set up along the edge of the woods to catch raccoons, possums, and any thing else small enough to fit into one of the traps.:(
Obviously, there cannot be only one lizard prison; there would be no room for all the criminals. There must be multiple prisons with varying degrees of security, with the worst offenders going to the maximum security prisons. So now the question arises: What is the worst of the lizard prisons?
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