MBD, please help!!!!!!

I would get a second opinion, most chameleons are tree dwellers and can take a fall! I suspect the vet doesn't know what he's talking about, the cham needs an xray (I think) I know you said you're going back in a month but if it's MBD your cham might not make it! How did you break it's leg on a trip, I've seen cham fall from very high and not have a problem with the fall, in nature when they encounter a predator they fall to get away.
I would get a second opinion, most chameleons are tree dwellers and can take a fall! I suspect the vet doesn't know what he's talking about, the cham needs an xray (I think) I know you said you're going back in a month but if it's MBD your cham might not make it! How did you break it's leg on a trip, I've seen cham fall from very high and not have a problem with the fall, in nature when they encounter a predator they fall to get away, this Veiled was given to me because the owner failed to take him to a vet for a second opinion, the vet said he was just malnourished anyway he had MBD but after I got him, which he was a little under a year old, i gave him the proper care he lived to be 6 1/2 years old, he had a hard time but pulled through, you need to listen to people on this forum.
One thing we need to remember when giving advise here is that the OP is 9 years old. I am proud that he took the initiative to ask his parents to take his cham to the vet. I don't think being 9 will prevent him from doing his very best to do what he needs to do. I do think knowing his age is important to how we respond.

@XxSepiorxX, good job getting him to the vet! I would like to suggest that you see if your parents would be willing to also get on here and learn as well. It would really help you because then your parents would also understand the care involved. It's easier to convince someone who is paying for what is needed if they know why its needed.

I agree with you but the chameleon looks like he has MBD and that would make his bone soft and break very easily. Since the OP is 9 he might not know the importance of having liquid calcium. The chameleon could very well have more broken bones in a month. I did notice the chams basking temps were to low so he probably wasn't warm enough to digest his food properly. I keep my adult male veileds basking spots in the high 80's some keepers even keep them in the low 90's.
I agree with you but the chameleon looks like he has MBD and that would make his bone soft and break very easily. Since the OP is 9 he might not know the importance of having liquid calcium. The chameleon could very well have more broken bones in a month. I did notice the chams basking temps were to low so he probably wasn't warm enough to digest his food properly. I keep my adult male veileds basking spots in the high 80's some keepers even keep them in the low 90's.
Oh, I agree there are things he needs to do and I'm not saying we shouldn't give advise, in fact we need to help...I just wanted to make people aware of his age and we need to word our responses accordingly. That's all I was saying.
I agree we need to remember he's 9 but he needs to realize (Or his parents) that this is a serious problem and it may get really bad if he doesn't listen to people. I remember being 9 and my pet Anole died, I cried my little heart out but he seems to think the vet made the right call on saying it doesn't have MBD, this Veiled has MBD along with other health issues and waiting a month is just asking for heartbreak. I hope it pulls through for him. I haven't seen any post coming off as angry just a bunch of fellow reptile lovers trying to save a life and steer the kid in the right direction. Why the vet didn't take an xray baffles me. It needs higher temps, better diet and needs to be put in a temporary cage lower with wider branches and a towel so it doesn't fall and break anymore bones. Or let someone who can provide better Living conditions take it off his hands before a tragedy happens.
I agree we need to remember he's 9 but he needs to realize (Or his parents) that this is a serious problem and it may get really bad if he doesn't listen to people. I remember being 9 and my pet Anole died, I cried my little heart out but he seems to think the vet made the right call on saying it doesn't have MBD, this Veiled has MBD along with other health issues and waiting a month is just asking for heartbreak. I hope it pulls through for him. I haven't seen any post coming off as angry just a bunch of fellow reptile lovers trying to save a life and steer the kid in the right direction. Why the vet didn't take an xray baffles me. It needs higher temps, better diet and needs to be put in a temporary cage lower with wider branches and a towel so it doesn't fall and break anymore bones. Or let someone who can provide better Living conditions take it off his hands before a tragedy happens.
Hey hey now, this Cham is very soical one, he hisses at most other people.
Look, I know it LOOKS like it, but he has no MBD. True
Your Veiled is doomed, you won't listen to the people because your vet likely doesn't deal with reptiles. Look at its spine, even I can see the kinks, the casque is bent, the jaw in one pic is beginning to draw back causing the front of his mouth to stay slightly open. All the signs are there and I'm sorry you don't realize the problem!
XxSepiorxX please dont get frustrated or angry at us. This forum is a group of chameleon loving people and we want the best for every chameleon. Sometimes we may come off as harsh or rude to some people but we are just wanting the best life for each chameleon. I too am younger but I have used this forum and have become very knowlegde and have helped many people with their chameleons (or future chameleons) even outside this forum. Please listen and think about our advice and we really do want to help.

I just have one thing to ask. Could you post a picture of each side of your chameleon and a picture of the top of him?
@XxSepiorxX , I didn't want to respond here because I don't want you to feel like we are ganging up on you, but I keep coming back to the tread to read what others are saying and I agree with their overall thoughts.

A vet can't fully understand what is going on internally without a full workup and most importantly some x-rays. We are just going from the visible signs and after seeing the evidence that you have also pointed out...
Look, I know it LOOKS like it, but he has no MBD.
you can understand our view. I would not wait a month if at all possible and see if you can get to a vet with more experience with these animals. You could call and ask a few questions first before making an appointment just to see if they have experience with MBD and chameleons. That way you will know the visit will be a productive one.

I truly hope your chameleon gets the help he needs and can have a great quality of life in your care! There have been many success stories of people of all ages dealing with MBD and I'd love to see you on that list! ;)
@XxSepiorxX , I didn't want to respond here because I don't want you to feel like we are ganging up on you, but I keep coming back to the tread to read what others are saying and I agree with their overall thoughts.

A vet can't fully understand what is going on internally without a full workup and most importantly some x-rays. We are just going from the visible signs and after seeing the evidence that you have also pointed out...

you can understand our view. I would not wait a month if at all possible and see if you can get to a vet with more experience with these animals. You could call and ask a few questions first before making an appointment just to see if they have experience with MBD and chameleons. That way you will know the visit will be a productive one.

I truly hope your chameleon gets the help he needs and can have a great quality of life in your care! There have been many success stories of people of all ages dealing with MBD and I'd love to see you on that list! ;)
You guys are not ganging up on me, he is kinda small for his age, but I am glad he doesn't have MBD. (y)
I will make this very clear, so listen up: This is just what he looks like right now. The vet has dealt with chameleons before. Please believe this now.
I believe you. This leaves the possibility of trauma from something else, including accidental mishandling, before or after you bought it. It is typically recommended to allow the cham to crawl onto you, rather than grab it, in case you were not aware.
You guys are not ganging up on me, he is kinda small for his age, but I am glad he doesn't have MBD. (y)
I don't think they are ganging up on you but they are concerned for your cham...

I know you want your cham to be healthy but even experts make wrong calls...
The life of your cham is your responsibility so in the end it will be your call to go for a 2nd opinion or to gamble on the cham's health against the advise of experienced keepers and keep him home.

I'm no expert and it can just be bad pictures but when I see your cham I get a feel he's not a healthy fella.
I will make this very clear, so listen up: This is just what he looks like right now. The vet has dealt with chameleons before. Please believe this now.
I'm sorry you refuse to listen, you're are 9 and can't understand what people are trying to point out...Google MBD, look at the pics for yourself. When it dies, please don't make another post trying to make people feel sorry for you. We all tried to warn you. Some people may think I'm being harsh but you're seeing rainbows after your vet told you he's ok and you continue not to listen to others...I'm sorry for your Veiled.
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