Need to find food ASAP!


New Member
I have a 2-3 month old veiled Cham that I totally thought I could feed Dubai roach nymphs to, however the ones I bought yesterday are too big. He ate 2, but the 3rd was giving him a lot of issues and I think it freaked him out. If I am using the guide of 'no bigger than the space between his eyes' they are just a bit too big. The stores here don't carry pinhead crickets and I really don't know about ordering hundreds online. I am really at a loss for what to feed him. Fruitful ya seem too small, and again no stores here carry them. I totally though I was prepared with dubias but now I am completely at a loss! Here's a pic so you can get a sense of his size.
You could try small phoenix worms. You can get them in quantities of 100 and they are a great staple food for smaller chameleons. I doubt you can find them locally but they ship tomorrow for Fri. delivery.
Actually you might be able to pick up some Phoenix Worms or even wax worms at your local Walmart in the outdoor section. They have them as fish bait. Even try a tackle shop or Outdoor store if your Walmart doesnt have any.
I have called every walmart and outdoor shop in the are and no luck :( I will have to go check out the walmarts in person I guess just to be sure. If I can't get food until Friday I don't know if he we be ok or starving by then
Where are you located?

ETA: Argh, just saw your other post, I was hoping you were in Illinois. Do you have any reptile shops around you? Sometimes they have the smaller feeders, and that could hold you over until you can get an order shipped.
How long has he gone without food? It will not hurt them to go a few days even a week without food as long as he stays hydrated. He will devour anything you give him after a week though, so feed him slowly so he doesn't just eat mouthfuls without chewing. Petco and Petsmart around me all carry wax worms as well. I sometimes have to ask for them because they keep them refrigerated.
Where are you located?

ETA: Argh, just saw your other post, I was hoping you were in Illinois. Do you have any reptile shops around you? Sometimes they have the smaller feeders, and that could hold you over until you can get an order shipped.

I do have a reptile shop but the smallest they carry is the Dubai nymphs I have that are too big :(
Where are you located?

ETA: Argh, just saw your other post, I was hoping you were in Illinois. Do you have any reptile shops around you? Sometimes they have the smaller feeders, and that could hold you over until you can get an order shipped.

How long has he gone without food? It will not hurt them to go a few days even a week without food as long as he stays hydrated. He will devour anything you give him after a week though, so feed him slowly so he doesn't just eat mouthfuls without chewing. Petco and Petsmart around me all carry wax worms as well. I sometimes have to ask for them because they keep them refrigerated.

He has only gone today without food but only ate 2 dubias yesterday. If he can go a week then I can definitely place n order. I found wax worms but they are even bigger than the dubias. No way he would be able to handle them
Pet Smart and Petco sell medium crickets, I think he can handle those, looking at your picture of him.
I would still try a wax worm, the dubia a are a hard shelled insect with chitin, which makes them more difficult to eat. The wax worms are soft biddies with no chitin so they are much easier to eat, allowing them to be a bit larger than crickets or dubia.
Ok I will definitely try wax worms and pick up so small crux to see if they are the right size. If not it's time to order something tiny!
He is shedding today, but I took a pic from a dif angle to give a better idea of his size. The vine he is on is a pothos vine, roughly the thickness of a pencil. I also just thought of something... Is the bug supposed to be thinner than the width between his eyes or shorter?
LLLreptiles a sight sponsor also sell small crickets and bugs,i think they also have overnight shipping...and check the classifieds here...
LLLreptiles a sight sponsor also sell small crickets and bugs,i think they also have overnight shipping...and check the classifieds here...

I will check out both thanks. I just am not 100% sure what kind of bugs he can eat at this size. I only heard of Phoenix worms today, and so I am very overwhelmed by the options lol. I know there are fruitflies but I think those May be too small. But I'm not sure to be honest
Small sized crickets, mealworms (not too many of these), the occasional waxworm (these are not nutritious), the smallest of dubia nymphs, baby superworms, very small silkworms, small butterworms, soldier fly maggots (aka calci worms or phoenix worms)....

you want to provide a range of food, not just dubia. So its good that you are looking for options

you do NOT want to let it go for more than a day or two without food. It is NOT safe for a baby to go without food for a week (that advice is fine for adults, but not growing babies)
If your close to Reading, PA I have lots of smaller food. Houseflies and housefly larva, small crickets, small mantis, small super and meal worms, small silkworms, and small waxworms.

I am in Tucson AZ, so not very close to PA lol. I went to every petsmart i could find and made them let me get my own crix so I could get the smallest ones. Hopefully he will eat those. I put one in with him but it still looks kind of big :(
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