Pregnant Chameleon???

Has anyone's chameleon gone over their 30 day mark to lay eggs? Or everyone's chameleon laid their eggs on the 30th day Everytime? I've read 2 weeks all the way to 45 days
If you want to raise the babies, start your fruit fly and cricket colonies so they are producing when you expect the eggs to hatch. Make some small cages so 3-4 will be in each cage.
Called the vets no opening now till Wednesday but did make an appointment for Wednesday at 11:15. I am getting x-rays 95$ I will let everyone know and post the x-ray. She ate 4 crickets and 3 superworms today she also peed and pooped. I also really hope that she's pregnant and I don't get there and get the x-ray for them to tell me there are no eggs.
I can‘t imagine how she could be so big and not have eggs in there. As long as she’s eating, drinking, eliminating and active, you’re good.
Nope she went down like 5 times yesterday all the way to the bottom she's never done that before. I just hope this vet trip doesn't stress her out.
Have you tried putting her in a bucket half full of wet play sand? This is what I had to do to get my girl to lay. She just kept going to the bottom like yours and wouldn’t commit tell I put her in the bucket.

My thing is I'm not 100 percent that she has eggs from all the pictures I've seen it looks like you can visibly see eggs on the outside of their stomaches with Camilla that isn't the case I mean I thought it looked like she has eggs back by her back legs but I'm just not sure
You can put in a plant and a branch for her to sit on but not so tall that she can get out of the can. You can put a light on the top.
You can put a rock in there but be sure it's right on the bottom so she can't dig under it and get crushed. Make sure the sand is moist enough to dig a tunnel. Good luck.
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