Red-Eyed Croc Skink


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Hey After My Chameleon Has A Happy Long Life IM Thinking ABout Getting A Red-Eyed Skink! There Probably Not Alto OF Pros For This Reptile But I Just Want to See IF There Is SO Tips Please?
Great Info What You Think After My CHameleon Has A Full Life Span Should I Get Another Chameleon Or A Red-Eyed Skink?
Are you really planning for after your chameleon dies? Take it one step of a time, those skinks can be harder to care for than chams if you don't know what you are doing, and your cham is your first reptile that you barely just got.
How is the red eyed croc skunk with handling? Are they like the blue tongued skink where they like being pet and held? Or no?
I was very interested in these. According to my readings they are shy, hide often, and not for handling. They benefit from shallow paludarium-like set ups.
My boyfriend and his friend got three red-eyes (one male, two female ~1-3 years of age) the same day I brought home my Chicken, 20Gal tank, lots of moss, and eco-earth, a giant rock hide (wood molded after a couple days due to the heat and humidity) - and a shallow, but decently sized water bowl, all three can fit in it at once if they wanted to.

They're not 100% mine so I don't handle the feeding aspect, or know a lot of the little details but we spray it down a couple times a day to keep the humidity up for them, and we tryyyy to keep their water clean but they go beserk when they decide they wanna fiddle around in the bowl.

As far as handling goes I'd say it depends on the skink, they're not really a handling animal ( then again, neither are Chams) but when we've taken them out so far they'll spaz out for a second until they realize we're not gonna eat them, and will sit dog-piled in our hands as long as we'll let them; individually, they don't like fast movements, but they're pretty chill. I'd assume it would really depend on the age and how they were handled prior.

Their upkeep isn't as strict as a Cham, but, each reptile has their own quirks.

I know a lot of people want them just 'cause they look cool but don't wanna deal with taking care of them, but if you want a reptile you can handle without issues, or have at the same time as your Cham and not add too much onto your plate, why not look at a Leopard Gecko ??

just my two cents!
My step-babies about to drop the most fire album of 2018.


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