
A plant nursery? You're gonna have to search for one on your own... I dont live in canada, let alone your area.
I found a two foot dwarf umbrella at home depot ofr ten bucks about a month - month and a half ago. It's probably grown about a half a foot in some areas since then. I also saw some ficus like that at HD, but a nursery might have more to choose from.

can i email you from my phone when i am at home depot....??/? ill take a picture with my phone and send u the pic to tell me if i have the right tree.

You will know it is the right schef because the leaves will be smaller. everything about the plant should look the same as you the one you have..... except smaller and the leaves won't be glossy.
Bring these pictures in and say you want one of these but bigger. Or you can just check the little plant tag that they usually have.


this is the safe schefflera. you want this small size of leaves.

if you feel that you absolutely need something with large leaves to fill up a cage, i suggest a pothos.

you can always combine plants as well. save pictures to your phone so that you can reference them at the garden store.
i think im just going to buy a hibiscus with the red flowers......

The issue with Hibiscus is that they need lots of light....

You never got back to us on the type of UVB lamp you are using. I suggest you go out and buy a dual 24" linear fluorescent fixture at HD. It needs to be for 24" T8 lamps. While you are there buy a 6500K color temperature linear tube lamp (24" as well). when you get home fit that lamp and a 24" Zoo Med Reptisun into the fixture. This should be enough light for your cage.... Also use a basking lamp of course.
A strong plant light. Hibiscus are a high light loving plant and don't usually do well without real sun light or a plant light.
ok what about the dwarf umbrella

that is a low light plant... doesn't need a ton of light to do well. if you are by a window you are fine.

Can you please do me a favor and READ the ENTIRE post by me and or anyone replying to your questions?!? you are asking questions that have already been answered.
i went to HD and returned the plant....but they did not have any of the plants that you told me about.... so i went to rona and found the ficus i got it but it was a little too big for my cage so i started cutting down......while i was cutting down i noticed this white stuff coming out of the that safe for the cham?????
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