RESCUE JACk50N trying to bring him back to life;HELP;?!


New Member
Hi Evryone

I have a sick rescue jackson chameleon on wich i only had him for 3days now, i named him chris and hes a jackson jacksoni and he's a wared color. He's brown Nd darkk redishh color but hes head crown seem to be a very intense green and everything else its a yellow ish color, now this is my thing. I seen him eating but noticed that when he shoots hes tongue, he doesnt catch the pray and it has to be verry clossed to him so he can get it with his mouth but yea like i said hes a rescue from a petsmart who had him for over 5month with verry little uvb and light and not a dripper or anything verry sad thing, hes from reptiles by mack and i even seen other jacksons who are verry brigh and green but this little one looks to be very weak, sometime he even falls. im feeding him dusted crickets and his in 18x18x18 mesh screen cage with a deep doom zoomed light fixture lamp with light bults that gives him hes uvb and basking spot all in one but since the repti fogger that i bought wont turn on ( If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know ) im still working on getting him that fogger as we speack, also i herd that sometimes jacksonii female also have the 3 horns is this true? and if so how can i tell the sex of him or her ? any advise on how to take care of this jackson to bring him back to live would be very helpfull, i saw him in the shop and end up paying 90bucks for him just so i can try to give him a better home so everyones help would be much apreciated ill field up the how to ask form and post up pics of him reall soon. thank u all for your time :cool:
can you post photos of him>

best would be profile pics so we can see him from the side.

if he is a jacksoni jacksoni, then yes females can have horns.

they need lots of water, so make sure he gets heavily misted several times a day,.
he also temps to sleep on the branchest and have hes eye clossed insted of been active unless something wakes him up and that when he kinda moves around... dont really know what to do with the little guy
what is the basking temp?

Is he sleeping during the day?

how often are oyu misting?

how muchh is he eating?

what uvb bulb are you using, brand, wattage?

please post photos.

Working on more pictures as we speack
I cant tell gender, but he doesnt look that bad off.

A bit dark, stressed perhaps, but doesnt seem super dehydrated, limbs are straight, horns arent broken...
Well you can remove all that dirt, he doesnt need it.

if he accidently ingests it, it can cause an impaction.

He may not be happy because hes not close enough to his lights.

He needs a whole lot more in that cage.

Alot more plants, vines, highways and biways, stuff.

hes probably unhappy because hes too exposed.
Well you can remove all that dirt, he doesnt need it.

if he accidently ingests it, it can cause an impaction.

He may not be happy because hes not close enough to his lights.

He needs a whole lot more in that cage.

Alot more plants, vines, highways and biways, stuff.

hes probably unhappy because hes too exposed.

Yes i understand thats why i said i need to get him way more stuff this weekend, if you can write me a list that would make my life a whole lot e z [; but she was worse actualy in that 5 gallon tank in petsmart and the lamp is 300watts and there two light buls wich they are 150watts each so i wasnt trying to bring the lights too clossed to him since i herd they need th fogger more than the lights and right next to him i have my female vield chameleon cages next to him so i try to keep the temp in their cage at 75-85f

I really apreciated your right away help by the way*
what is the basking temp?


Is he sleeping during the day?

yea he sometimes sleeps durring the day and then wake up for a few minutes to try to eat or just moves around

how often are oyu misting?
as much as possible i say 3-4 times a day minimun im trying to keep the humidity up

how muchh is he eating?

that i seen he probaly has eat a 5 or so crickets ?

what uvb bulb are you using, brand, wattage?

they are exo terra light bull and they are 150 watts while the lamp its a deepm doom combo zoomed lamp of 300watts
Yes i understand thats why i said i need to get him way more stuff this weekend, if you can write me a list that would make my life a whole lot e z [; but she was worse actualy in that 5 gallon tank in petsmart and the lamp is 300watts and there two light buls wich they are 150watts each so i wasnt trying to bring the lights too clossed to him since i herd they need th fogger more than the lights and right next to him i have my female vield chameleon cages next to him so i try to keep the temp in their cage at 75-85f

I really apreciated your right away help by the way*

If the cages are open screened facing each other your veiled may be stressing him out. As for a list--

-Basking temp of around what you have it now
-Ambient temps of low 70's
-Fog, preferably (I use a ReptiFogger to keep my veiled's humidity up), around 60% daytime, about 80% night
-UVB light (NO UVA), 5.0
-MORE plants, vines... make it a jungle in there!
-A tall cage (what are your dimensions?)
-Appropriate sized feeders (crickets, dubias, superworms, snails, etc.)
-Water, spray frequently every day, auto-misting systems work best
-Get rid of the dirt (I know you mentioned you would)

More info 'bout the guy would help! :D
Also I noticed you use WAY too high wattage... get lower (40-60 watt), and get him closer. Will save you electricity and will give your guy more climbing space.

Where are you located? I needed a 75 watt to get 90 degrees for my veiled's basking here in CO.
what is the basking temp?


Is he sleeping during the day?

yea he sometimes sleeps durring the day and then wake up for a few minutes to try to eat or just moves around

how often are oyu misting?
as much as possible i say 3-4 times a day minimun im trying to keep the humidity up

how muchh is he eating?

that i seen he probaly has eat a 5 or so crickets ?

what uvb bulb are you using, brand, wattage?

they are exo terra light bull and they are 150 watts while the lamp its a deepm doom combo zoomed lamp of 300watts
havent read all of the posts but suggest you submit health form in th hc immediately.
in the meantime i would recommend turning of all basking lights (not uvb) and stop supplementing until exp members have had a chance to review your help form

imo your current setup is not viable for a montane and will likely lead to fatal issues if not corrected immediately, and that would apply to a montaine that is healthy to begin with. generally speaking a single 40 watt household incandescent bulb is all all that is necessary for uva

not trying to harsh on your stuff but suggest you start studying triceros husbandy issues in depth and immediately.

the reality of it is, imo, even a healthy, thriving triceros, is not likely to survive long term in the hands of somebody who has little to no knowledge of its care requirements or how to implement them. if you want this animal to recover, given the situation, i would suggest starting with a vet visit to help identify immediate issues and follow up with a crash course on jacksons husbandry issues.
imo, the knowledge required to save this animal is likely more than you will be able to accomplish on your own by just posting and reading a few posts or even submitting the help form but that would be a good place to start.

not trying to harsh,,,, just trying to point out the reality of the situation. jmo

recommended lighting setup
1. linear reptisun 5.0 //// 6" above cage
2. household incandescent clear or cool white of no more than 40 watts, in wide or narrow beam reflector positioned to measure a reduced uva basking of 80* max as measured in the sweet spot of the basking zone, and as measured by something other than an ir temp gun.. no infra red or nite time heat or light is desired
3. 6500 k (kelvin) lineal plant bulb imo, live plants are fairly essential for the long term well being of a xanth. directly on top of the cage ok providing the animal is not a cage crawler and providing it is not shading or impeding the other lighting in anyway.
4. here is a quick overview of the desireability of common food items;
@xanthoman: Well I would not stop supplementing OR turn off the basking. Those are two of the most important things in his life and even if he is doing it incorrectly at the moment it is better than not at all.

@shineru: But I am curious how you are supplementing. An ideal supplement schedule is calcium no D3 every feeding, calcium with D3 twice a month, and a multivitamin twice a month. But everyone has their own way. What is your light schedule? Feeding schedule? Supplementing? This isn't enough info.
I see you said that you are misting him 4-6 times a day but how often each time? You want to mist for long periods of time. I do 5 minutes each misting. Are you seeing him drink? What color is his droppings? If he is dehydrated they will be yellow/orange. Basking temp should be around 82 and mid to lower 70's lower in the cage. Make sure ge has plenty of branches to get to all levels of the cage. Of course I am sure you know he needs a much bigger cage. A 4x2x2 would be good. He should not be sleeping during the day. When I first got my male he was sleeping because he was very dehydrated. For the first three days I would lightly spray in his mouth with a spray bottle and ge would drink non stop for like 10 minutes. Finally after a few days he was good and would drink from the dripper. Make sure you see him drink. After a fee days of getting plenty of water he is always active during the day. At least he is eating. Dust the feeders with the repashy dust 3-4 times a week. Keep us posted on his progress. Also like others have said get the watts down on the basking bulb so you can point it to one area of the cage instead of the entire cage. Make sure and get a reptisun 5.0 bulb. Also make sure your feeders are well gutloaded before feeding.
If you use the repashy dust you just need to use that 3-4 times a week instead of having to worry about calcium with no d3, calcium with d3 and multi vitamin all separate. Lots here use the repashy
@xanthoman: Well I would not stop supplementing OR turn off the basking. Those are two of the most important things in his life and even if he is doing it incorrectly at the moment it is better than not at all.

@shineru: But I am curious how you are supplementing. An ideal supplement schedule is calcium no D3 every feeding, calcium with D3 twice a month, and a multivitamin twice a month. But everyone has their own way. What is your light schedule? Feeding schedule? Supplementing? This isn't enough info.

I think your supplement advice would be way too much for a Jackson's. That would be more fit for a Veiled/Panther Chameleon. I'll let someone chime in on the correct schedule.
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