RESCUE JACk50N trying to bring him back to life;HELP;?!

If you use the repashy dust you just need to use that 3-4 times a week instead of having to worry about calcium with no d3, calcium with d3 and multi vitamin all separate. Lots here use the repashy

I use Rep-Cal. It's more reliable if you know that you are giving the right amount, not an all-in-one. It's just like you don't get a UVB/UVA mixed with a basking light. I didn't hate on your method, just saying that I would rather do a little extra to make sure my guy is healthy.
If you are going to use the separate supplements the. Use the calcium with no d3 3-4 times a week. Calcium with d3 once a month and multivitamin once a month. Why it's much easier to just use the repashy 3-4 times a week
If you are going to use the separate supplements the. Use the calcium with no d3 3-4 times a week. Calcium with d3 once a month and multivitamin once a month. Why it's much easier to just use the repashy 3-4 times a week

Well ok I didn't really understand your English but I have heard this from many experts and all over the web so I use it and like I said would rather do more than take a shortcut. You can use your method, I can use mine. I just personally think that this is the way to go. Also if your cham goes outside no D3 supplementing is required.
Over supplementing can be just as bad as under supplementing especially for Jacksons. I am not saying you do but can be an issue.
shineru, First off: Congratulations, it's a boy! While females will have horns, those long lovely horns are the property of the males. His limbs look good, which is a plus when one is basically doing a rescue. Xanthoman is one of the board experts on keeping these types of chameleons so I strongly recommend you follow his recommendations on lighting and supplementing.

As camimom says, you need to get more plants in there! These smaller, cooler chameleons need to be able to hide from us. Live plants will also help with your humidity issues. I really like pothos plants for cages, you get climbable vines which you can pin about the cage. If there are "farmers' markets" near you, check them for plants. I was able to buy plants with vines well over 18 inches long for just $5.

These are also animals that want a lot of misting and a constant (if possible) water drip. If you mist by hand, I strongly recommend a garden sprayer. Here's a picture of one:


They are found in any store with a decent garden department (I bought mine at WalMart for about $12). I suggest using a full quart of water for every misting (feel free to use more! but I don't recommend less). Pump it up and then just mist away....soak the roof of the cage so it rains, soak the plants so it rains....mist until you run out of water. The pump action makes it much easier to use copious amounts of water. Even with my old lady, carpal tunnel wrists, I can put a gallon of water between my two cages without the least bit of pain.

You did a good thing taking him in and I'm sure with the guidance of the people here you will find him a lovely addition to your family.
If the cages are open screened facing each other your veiled may be stressing him out.

Oh no ofcorse i have them right next to each other with something covering the middle of them so that, they dont see each other. thank so much for the list i'll keep an update :D
First, your basking temps are too high. Jacksons like cooler temps, try to get that down around 78-80.

I would not be supplementing with repashy that much. I would use it maybe once a week.

For the cage.

Real plants are best for keeping humidity up.

Scheffelara, Pothos, Crotons, all good plants.

More vines, dowel rods work well for highways.

think of if this way, if it takes you ten minutes to find him when hes in his cage, then he will feel safe.

Im thinkning he is shutting his eyes because he is too hot, and does not feel safe. Sort of like when we shut our eys because we are scared.

Get his cage in order, and see how he does.

Im sure you answered this, but i cant find it, what brand uvb bulb are you using>
Poor guy. I'm not surprised he's stressed, he has nowhere to go hide.

Is that a water bowl at the back corner there?
Oh no ofcorse i have them right next to each other with something covering the middle of them so that, they dont see each other. thank so much for the list i'll keep an update :D
No prob. As camimom said though the temps are too high for basking... I messed up a little bit in that part :eek:
Poor guy. I'm not surprised he's stressed, he has nowhere to go hide.

Is that a water bowl at the back corner there?

Haha. My veiled drinks from the water cups that catches the water drips... sometimes I hand water him.

But seriously, he does need cover.
For all you recommending a supplement schedule that you would use on a veiled or panther, that is not a good idea to use on a montane chameleon. They are very, very sensitive to supplements and using them incorrectly can lead to other medical issues.

LISTEN to xanthoman, he will be the one to recommend what's best for your jacksons.
For all you recommending a supplement schedule that you would use on a veiled or panther, that is not a good idea to use on a montane chameleon. They are very, very sensitive to supplements and using them incorrectly can lead to other medical issues.

LISTEN to xanthoman, he will be the one to recommend what's best for your jacksons.

Thanks But im suprice that your here since your the one stronly said not to save this jackson life -__- but im glad i bough him tho :cool::cool:
Okay guys after reading all of everyone has to say i decided NOT TO WAIT TILL THIS WEEkend & dO EVERYTHInq Riqht now today! ( Wednesday 4th 12:45pm ) [x See heres the deal i had a baby vield who was a male and he was no longer than 40-60days old and well he recently had passed away and i bought him this huge cage for baby oscar because he was suppost to be my first actual baby vield and i was going to race him since he was such a cute little guy when i first got him but he died before he got to enjoy hes new cage ''/ but the cage is a 18 x 18 x 36 is the large side of repti Breeze so i havent quite set up because it just makes me too sad when i look at it or that treee baby oscar would to come on top to drink water, but i gotta get it together now to save this little one life but trust me EVERYONE does color arent because of me, he was in a 5 gallon fish tank for 5month with poor uvb and no light at all soo when i bough him he was already streessed out as it is , right now there a small vine plant in there but im going to try to do my best to get everything for him today tho and i'll post some pics of him, if anyone wants to add more to the list that would be wounderfull im actualy going to go get actual uvb lamps for them since my vield and jackson need diffrent baskin spots. how many watts do you guys recomend i shld get?

& also i was going to actual put my adult female vield in the new cage, does he really need the new cage? since he still seem pretty small to me?
Thanks But im suprice that your here since your the one stronly said not to save this jackson life -__- but im glad i bough him tho :cool::cool:

While I feel that you shouldn't have purchased him, that doesn't mean that I want him to die in your care now that you have him. Since he is yours now, I want you to do everything in your power to keep him alive and get him well.
Okay guys after reading all of everyone has to say i decided NOT TO WAIT TILL THIS WEEkend & dO EVERYTHInq Riqht now today! ( Wednesday 4th 12:45pm ) [x See heres the deal i had a baby vield who was a male and he was no longer than 40-60days old and well he recently had passed away and i bought him this huge cage for baby oscar because he was suppost to be my first actual baby vield and i was going to race him since he was such a cute little guy when i first got him but he died before he got to enjoy hes new cage ''/ but the cage is a 18 x 18 x 36 is the large side of repti Breeze so i havent quite set up because it just makes me too sad when i look at it or that treee baby oscar would to come on top to drink water, but i gotta get it together now to save this little one life but trust me EVERYONE does color arent because of me, he was in a 5 gallon fish tank for 5month with poor uvb and no light at all soo when i bough him he was already streessed out as it is , right now there a small vine plant in there but im going to try to do my best to get everything for him today tho and i'll post some pics of him, if anyone wants to add more to the list that would be wounderfull im actualy going to go get actual uvb lamps for them since my vield and jackson need diffrent baskin spots. how many watts do you guys recomend i shld get?

& also i was going to actual put my adult female vield in the new cage, does he really need the new cage? since he still seem pretty small to me?

The wattage depends on your location. What area are you in? Which cham do you want to put in the new cage?
While I feel that you shouldn't have purchased him, that doesn't mean that I want him to die in your care now that you have him. Since he is yours now, I want you to do everything in your power to keep him alive and get him well.

Well put and I do agree with the store thing , doesn't help how they get away with it every time
Hi just read most of the posts here. I keep 5 jackson's they are all WC . When I got them they looked nothing like they do now. Here is a few thing I want to share with you. I use a 25w bulb for a basking light, I control the temp by adjusting the distance to the cage, Ideally nothing higher than 82 tops. I use little supplementation . I dust with cal. NO D3 twice a week. I dust with Cal with D3 lightly once every 6 weeks. The key is a solid gutloading for your crickets , find sandrachameleons blog on here for good gutloading info. Jacksons like it on the cool wet side, I give them 3 zones. The basking area (warm) a dry cooler area, and than the wet cool area. A temperature drop of 10 degrees is ideal at night time for them. I am going to link to videos for you. I highly recommend watching these.

this is one of if not the best video on jacksons on youtube :

This is my setup
@xanthoman: Well I would not stop supplementing OR turn off the basking. Those are two of the most important things in his life and even if he is doing it incorrectly at the moment it is better than not at all.
i highly doubt that extreme oversupplementation and improper lighting are the 2 most important things in any chams life. hes already had too much, giving him the slightest more will only compound the problem expotentially. imo, the best thing you can do for this animal would be to stop supping immediately except for a couple matcheads a week of plain cal a week . .

a strong healthy thriving xanth would begin to go downhill in a matter of mths in that cage due to stress alone.. and obviously he is not strong and thriving so it is even harder on him. i would recommend a complete cage cleaning/revamp of the entire cage plan. it should look like a jungle in there with a slight open area towards the top of his cage centered around his basking zone. elevating his cage so that his basking zone is at or above eye level will go a long way towards making him feel comfortable.

you could revamp that whole cage in <3hrs. a single large $10-15 schlefferra and a collection of locally gathered climbing branches would be a good start. jmo
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