RIP Gonzalez Male Panther(info on how he died inside)


New Member

As of today, my beloved panther chameleon, Gonzalez, has been euthanized today.

I brought him to the vet immediately after I suspected chronic dehydration.
I got some x-rays done, and got some carnivore care, hoping it would help him over the next few days. The vet said he has chronic dehydration, and liver failure(which I suspected). He said he has a 30% chance of living. I left the vet, and brought him into the car, only to find him gaping and twisting his body, puking. He suggested euthanizasia, but I wanted to give him a chance. After I brought him in the car he probably had a 10% chance of survival and he was in a lot of pain, suffering. I decided it was time. He was euthanized, and I agreed he could cut him open to see what was wrong. It was a colon infection, and the blood wasn't circulating to the colon region of his body. And he also had a liver failure. So he just wasn't absorbing the nutrients and water he needed to live. He said it could happen to any chameleon, and it wasn't husbandry failure. It was most likely a blood clot that caused the infection. Thanks for reading, Rest in Paradise, which is probably somewhere in Madagascar.

I'd recommend Dr. Walton to anyone if you are in British Columbia , Canada.


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That seems to be a common cause of death with most chams, especially WC, and I wish there was someone (Douglas Mader, DVM... hint, hint) who could inform us of why that condition happens to so many chams. More people are having necropsies done, so we are finding out the COD. I perform a necropsy on all of my chams that die, and I have found a portion of the intestines, sometimes the small, sometimes the large, that appears to be necrotic, commonly caused by a blood clot as your vet mentioned. I have also noticed intestinal stasis and malabsorption problems. I would love to know why...
i feel so bad for you :( keep your head up, i know how you feel. dont worry though, he's in a tropical forest in heaven climbing gold ficus' and stuff looking down on you!
It's tough losing a cham - been there myself. At least you know that it wasn't anything that you had or hadn't done, and that is comforting to know. Rest in peace l'il man.
Is the chronic dehydration something that cant be controlled? Is misting and dripping sometimes not the solution? Do they just not drink enough?
Is the chronic dehydration something that cant be controlled? Is misting and dripping sometimes not the solution? Do they just not drink enough?

This kind of dehydration was not caused by not giving the cham the proper water. This was caused by an internal issue which caused the cham to not absorb the proper nutrients, water, etc. This has happened a couple of times to me and it's never easy to deal with because ultimately, there's nothing you can do. So sorry it had to happen to someone else. I wish your cham all the best in the biggest free range in the sky.
sorry to hear your misfortune

i am so very sorry to hear of your loss, it just recently happened to me, it's tough love...he will be in the best of hands in chammy heaven, mines there to welcome him...
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