Runny poop from diet?


New Member
My guy has had two runny poops in a row and I just want to make sure it seems diet-related. He has always had textbook poops since a couple of days after I got him. He is about 4-5 months old and I have had him for 9 weeks.

He just moved to his new big boy enclosure 3 days ago. I'm still messing with vines and lighting and misting so I expected an adjustment period. Unfortunately my cricket and dubia order was delayed at the exact same time I moved him to his new home. So for a day and a half he ate only 2 things and he had never had either before. He ate 6 wild-caught grasshoppers from my friend's acreage (they organic garden) and waxworms for the first time (first time I have ever been able to get him to consume any kind of worm!) he also drank a crazy amount of water. Would all that cause runny poop that would not concern you, or could the runny poop be from irritation or intolerance of the diet? It looked pretty well digested. He liked the grasshoppers so I want to offer them again occasionally unless they might bother him.

He just ate 10 dubias and 10 crickets so his appetite seems fine. :D
Could be change in diet or him drinking more than usual. Has he had a faecal test done?
Keep an eye on it and if it continues maybe call a vet to see if you can drop a sample in.
Waxworms are high in fat. Extra water, stress, fat, new food (hoppers) = trots. :eek:As long as it doesn't last, I wouldn't worry too much. I would bet anything, the day after feeding him his crix and dubia, you got little pellets again. :D
Waxworms are high in fat. Extra water, stress, fat, new food (hoppers) = trots. :eek:As long as it doesn't last, I wouldn't worry too much. I would bet anything, the day after feeding him his crix and dubia, you got little pellets again. :D

Yeah it totally went away. He shed right after that also. With all that going on he has been a bit crabby this past week. :rolleyes: I think he needs some Xanax.
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