I have a Senegal chameleon that I have had for exactly a week. We have him in a 40 gal tall that has mesh on the top of it and on the side to get him out. The rest is glass. At the breader we got him from the told my husband and I that because we live in az we needed to do the glass tank and not the mesh so that's what we did. He has many vines to climb and tree branches. We keep the humidity at about 60%-70% in the cage and the temp where he is is about 80 dagrees. When we first got him he was great, nice and green wanted to come out and crawl around on us but 3 days ago he started going down hill. We came home and he was laying flat on the bottom of the tank in the dirt and he was such a pale yellow he was almost white. We thought he was dead. My husband went in later to try to take him out to dispose of him and that's when he picked him up that's when we noticed he was still breathing. we thought he might have been cold so we put him on a very low temperature setting to try to warm him up but it wasnt helping. We got in contact with a friend and she said he might have been over heating and to let him just self regulate. The second day we took him back to the breader and they told us he looked like he could have had a upper respiratory infection (small one) and he looked dehydrated. at this point he is a bit greener that the prior day. So all the second day we watched him 24/7 made sure he was good and drinking lots of water also needed to dry him out. On day 3 he seems greener. Not to his full potential but he is very week. Doesnt seem to want to eat. Hasnt ate for 5 days now and he is very weak. Wont really gab on to anything and hold on unless he doeant want be where we are putting him but for the most part he just lays and sleeps. How do I help this tiny creature?