Small millipede things in soil.


New Member
Ive noticed these very small millepedes in my dracaena and there seem to be more and more every day. Anybody know what they are? and if theyre harmful to the plant? sorry for the bad picture i had to crop it a lot.


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They are baby millipedes, you probably had some eggs hatch out in the plant, they will help keep the soil clean and will decompose any feces that fall in the plant.
there are hundreds of the little buggers and i dont want all my other plants getting infested with them. If i leave them, pretty soon my house might be infested.
there are hundreds of the little buggers and i dont want all my other plants getting infested with them. If i leave them, pretty soon my house might be infested.

actually they only live in soil, its their food source, they wont infest your house:rolleyes:
Cyanide is not good

would they be dangerous to a cham if eaten?

most millipedes protect themselves with a cyanide compound. To be safe you should not feed millipedes to any animal.

From Wikipedia: "Many species also emit poisonous liquid secretions or hydrogen cyanide gas through microscopic pores along the sides of their bodies as a secondary defense.[7][8][9] Some of these substances are caustic and can burn the exoskeleton of ants and other insect predators, and the skin and eyes of larger predators."

They do harm animals when eaten. They can harm plants. I've seen scorpions eat them, but not many other things seems to like them.
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I just found a ton of these in my new potted plant I got for Jasper's big boy cage. They creep me out. I hope they won't hurt him... I'm thinking of replanting.
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