So, how did you get started with chameleons?


Established Member
The first chameleon I ever saw was at a friend of a friend's house, many years ago. It was the unfriendliest pet ever. It would puff up and hiss at anyone that would get too close to get a look. Can't remember what kind it was, but then, I knew one day I would get your turn...
Well, it was my daughter's idea to get one and she bugged me for a long time and we (I say we) finally got one and now it has become my project, just like the tortoise, turtles, hamster, rabbit, bird etc. I shoulda known better!
Wayyyyy back when I was a kid. I was watching my favorite show on TV, Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and they were filming animals in Africa. One of the animals was a Jackson's Chameleon and I was just enthralled. I've wanted one ever since so when I found one at LLLReptile I purchased him online and the rest is history :)
Wayyyyy back when I was a kid. I was watching my favorite show on TV, Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and they were filming animals in Africa. One of the animals was a Jackson's Chameleon and I was just enthralled. I've wanted one ever since so when I found one at LLLReptile I purchased him online and the rest is history :)

you do understand that you just gave away your aprox age...
as that is what made me want to get started. i just knew i personaly needed to grow up first before getting any, so it was a long wait. :eek:

you do understand that you just gave away your aprox age...
as that is what made me want to get started. i just knew i personaly needed to grow up first before getting any, so it was a long wait. :eek:


LOL!!! I know...that show was on in the Dark ages..I think it was barely in color :p Chams weren't even legal in Maine until this year. But, I've had mine for almost two can definitely do the math..shhh don't tell anyone :)
HahahahEltortu I will take that as a compliment..I have definitely been regressing over the last few years..and proud of it LOL! :)

..."age is in your mind" a famous poet wrote it once, just I can not think of his name...
Long time ago my friend had a chameleon. I'd go over often and help out. Parents finally got me a chameleon when I was around 7 or 8 or 9? I'm bad with time... but it was something WC and only lasted a few months, I don't recall the exact species, but it was montane.... and in Arizona, a few months is a long time.. :( A few years ago I finally got my own chameleon and had him up until a few months ago, I decided to give him to a friend who wanted to get into chameleons but didn't want a baby. Unfortunately we don't talk anymore... :(

I currently have a veiled that is a rescue, probably pretty old now, if I had to take a guess, 4 or 5 yrs, and a few others that I don't really post about.
Ever since i was a kid, i was an animal lover to say the least. I would watch animal planet, discovery channel, even pbs where they had a show called "zaboomafoo":p. Anyway when i was about eight years old i went ot a petstore with my dad( i always bug him to let me go to petstores to at least see the animals:p" it was a family run business. And there they were... a huge screen cage divided in 3 by boards. There were two male jacksons chameleons, anda female. seperately fortunealety:).. on my birthday i got my first cham it was a female jacksons. I will never forget what she taught , to what it means to be a both loving and "responisble" petowner.:eek:

thats it for me... i know it wasnt funny or too sappy, but eh, sometimes you need a reality check:p
Long time ago my friend had a chameleon. I'd go over often and help out. Parents finally got me a chameleon when I was around 7 or 8 or 9? I'm bad with time... but it was something WC and only lasted a few months, I don't recall the exact species, but it was montane.... and in Arizona, a few months is a long time.. :( A few years ago I finally got my own chameleon and had him up until a few months ago, I decided to give him to a friend who wanted to get into chameleons but didn't want a baby. Unfortunately we don't talk anymore... :(

I currently have a veiled that is a rescue, probably pretty old now, if I had to take a guess, 4 or 5 yrs, and a few others that I don't really post about.

Gosh Syn, thats pretty sad(i meant how the story was told), but maybe posting them would help us know you better;):)
Most of the other chams I have are rehabs, in and out. If I can get my laptop up and running I will post what I have.. but.. not looking too great since my sister spilled soda on it and trashed the keyboard a few months ago. :eek:

I'll see what I can do, but no promises. :eek:

edit: Most of the chams came off craigslist, if the links were still active I could just copy and paste the image URL but.. they are gone since. I just checked.
I always tell myself not to take pictures so I don't get attached. I tend to do that with all of the reptiles I rehab now. The only permanent resident is this guy: Bad picture taken with my phone, but he is my permanent chameleon. :)
He free ranges occasionally, right now he is in his temp cage until I can get some plants (seems like they are not on sale right now).

As a matter of fact I have one, maybe two lovelies going out sometime next week.
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Most of the other chams I have are rehabs, in and out. If I can get my laptop up and running I will post what I have.. but.. not looking too great since my sister spilled soda on it and trashed the keyboard a few months ago. :eek:

I'll see what I can do, but no promises. :eek:


say no more...i guess i realized why somedays you can be "synical" due to the events that happen in your life:p

goodluck and hope things workout with the laptop and pics:D
LOL well just as expected the power button is stuck and won't turn on.. well, everything is kinda stuck :eek:. Oh, I edited my post with a picture of one of my veileds. I really need to do a photoshoot with him outside tomorrow. :)
Most of the other chams I have are rehabs, in and out. If I can get my laptop up and running I will post what I have.. but.. not looking too great since my sister spilled soda on it and trashed the keyboard a few months ago. :eek:

I'll see what I can do, but no promises. :eek:

edit: Most of the chams came off craigslist, if the links were still active I could just copy and paste the image URL but.. they are gone since. I just checked.
I always tell myself not to take pictures so I don't get attached. I tend to do that with all of the reptiles I rehab now. The only permanent resident is this guy: Bad picture taken with my phone, but he is my permanent chameleon. :)
He free ranges occasionally, right now he is in his temp cage until I can get some plants (seems like they are not on sale right now).

As a matter of fact I have one, maybe two lovelies going out sometime next week.

I really haven't noticed you posting cham pics...usually I see the pics of your other criters. It's nice to see a pic of your cham..what's his name?? :)
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