Avid Member
Good to finally talk about it a little. I had felt uncomfortable about it for a while just because I wasn't sure what to say or ask, but it's getting somewhere! After a while it doesn't really feel bad to talk about it and doesn't make me as sad, the feeling is still there but it's not overwhelming. I am just glad it has gotten past the stressing point and into the "hey, I'm helping chameleons" point. It is probably one of the reasons I am not as happy and joyful as I used to be... (Hehe, a joke )
Eltortu, herping is like looking for reptiles, etc. if you didn't know. Seems you are a little confused? If not, oops.
Thank you for listening guys. Have a good night.
Eltortu, herping is like looking for reptiles, etc. if you didn't know. Seems you are a little confused? If not, oops.
Thank you for listening guys. Have a good night.
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