So, how did you get started with chameleons?

Good to finally talk about it a little. I had felt uncomfortable about it for a while just because I wasn't sure what to say or ask, but it's getting somewhere! After a while it doesn't really feel bad to talk about it and doesn't make me as sad, the feeling is still there but it's not overwhelming. I am just glad it has gotten past the stressing point and into the "hey, I'm helping chameleons" point. It is probably one of the reasons I am not as happy and joyful as I used to be... :rolleyes: (Hehe, a joke :D)

Eltortu, herping is like looking for reptiles, etc. if you didn't know. Seems you are a little confused? If not, oops. :eek:

Thank you for listening guys. :eek: Have a good night.
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so very true, but all you can do is check their knowledge and hope for the best....:eek:

Right, but you know, some people are just irresponsible thinking just got a cool pet and later they realize this animal don't eat bagged food or drink from a bowl and the vet visits, nevermind, if you find a somewhat knowledgeble vet, just look how often you see threads starting with "I need help..."
Good to finally talk about it a little. I had felt uncomfortable about it for a while just because I wasn't sure what to say or ask, but it's getting somewhere! After a while it doesn't really feel bad to talk about it and doesn't make me as sad, the feeling is still there but it's not overwhelming. I am just glad it has gotten past the stressing point and into the "hey, I'm helping chameleons" point. It is probably one of the reasons I am not as happy and joyful as I used to be... :rolleyes: (Hehe, a joke :D)

Eltortu, herping is like looking for reptiles, etc. if you didn't know. Seems you are a little confused? If not, oops. :eek:

Thank you for listening guys. :eek: Have a good night.

I'm glad you could share. It is nice talking about it and getting things off your chest esp to people who share your love of chams and reptiles. Where else could we stay up till 2:00 Am (in Maine) and chat about chams and such without feeling like a total geek..LOL :)
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Wow! Look at the time, nite nite everyone..."and Bababooey to ya' all..." famous words by Mr. Higgins.
Right, but you know, some people are just irresponsible thinking just got a cool pet and later they realize this animal don't eat bagged food or drink from a bowl and the vet visits, nevermind, if you find a somewhat knowledgeble vet, just look how often you see threads starting with "I need help..."

It is sad that many people aren't knowledgeable about the pets they purchase and reptiles esp chams seem to have the least amount of information available.Before I purchased my Jackson's I did a lot of research but really only found one website (which is no longer online :() that had really good accurate information otherwise it was from basic care sheets from various online pet stores. I actually used my previous knowledge of the reptiles that I have owned..along with a little bit of winging it and I was successful in raising a juvie Jackson's. I can understand how easy it is for people to be misinformed esp when they are supposedly getting their info from pet stores that portray themselves as experts. It is very confusing for the first time cham owner..I know because I am one.
My boyfriend and I were hanging out at Petco. We looking at all the fish and animals, and he noticed this weird looking reptile hanging on a leaf with buggy eyes. It was a veiled chameleon, and we fell in love with it. He got it for me on Valentines day. Ever since then, it hasn't stopped...many moons ago.
My boyfriend and I were hanging out at Petco. We looking at all the fish and animals, and he noticed this weird looking reptile hanging on a leaf with buggy eyes. It was a veiled chameleon, and we fell in love with it. He got it for me on Valentines day. Ever since then, it hasn't stopped...many moons ago.

That's a cool gift! I wana get my gf one now, she will hate it then I can keep it for my own! Oh ya. Anyways, so I went to the reptile show in sac to just look at cool stuff, chams never crossed my mind until I got there, saw all the babies and walked out with a baby and complete setup lol, now I'm
My boyfriend and I were hanging out at Petco. We looking at all the fish and animals, and he noticed this weird looking reptile hanging on a leaf with buggy eyes. It was a veiled chameleon, and we fell in love with it. He got it for me on Valentines day. Ever since then, it hasn't stopped...many moons ago.

Is he still alive?...your cham that is...;)
That's a cool gift! I wana get my gf one now, she will hate it then I can keep it for my own! Oh ya. Anyways, so I went to the reptile show in sac to just look at cool stuff, chams never crossed my mind until I got there, saw all the babies and walked out with a baby and complete setup lol, now I'm

My wife me gave us the hardest time about getting one. After we got him -a Jackson X.- she warm up to him...
always thought they were interesting and used to draw pictures of them when i was young, 15 years later I finally got to the right point in my life to get one. :D
Now im working on a monitor lizard, might take another 15 years ;)
My boyfriend and I were hanging out at Petco. We looking at all the fish and animals, and he noticed this weird looking reptile hanging on a leaf with buggy eyes. It was a veiled chameleon

This is exactly what got me interested too!

I was at Petco anout a month ago with my gf, and at the time I was thinking about getting a few Chinese Water Dragons (not at that exact time). Then I notice this little veiled looking at me. I've always found chams to be very fascinating. And that was that. I've been researching them since, and hope to get one soon.
This is exactly what got me interested too!

I was at Petco anout a month ago with my gf, and at the time I was thinking about getting a few Chinese Water Dragons (not at that exact time). Then I notice this little veiled looking at me. I've always found chams to be very fascinating. And that was that. I've been researching them since, and hope to get one soon.

Wonderful. The research is essential for preparation. I was given a lot of misleading info when I first started.
Saw this, thought it was funny, but really not worthy of a new I'll just stick it here. ;)

Ever since i was a kid, i was an animal lover to say the least. I would watch animal planet, discovery channel, even pbs where they had a show called "zaboomafoo":p. Anyway when i was about eight years old i went ot a petstore with my dad( i always bug him to let me go to petstores to at least see the animals:p" it was a family run business. And there they were... a huge screen cage divided in 3 by boards. There were two male jacksons chameleons, anda female. seperately fortunealety:).. on my birthday i got my first cham it was a female jacksons. I will never forget what she taught , to what it means to be a both loving and "responisble" petowner.:eek:

thats it for me... i know it wasnt funny or too sappy, but eh, sometimes you need a reality check:p

bahahahah zaboomafoo do they still play that even??? that used to be my favorite!! pretty funny that i know the theme song for it still :D
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