Somebody please help me!!!

Hmm, I still haven't seen anything that is positively chameleon shaped... I dont know what that is either...
Maybe you should try to take pictures of the trees at night. The flash may help you to see a brighter shape, while having a big picture of the whole thing.

Good luck with your search! :confused:
I just sent this to Daguerroetype...


  • Ayes.jpg
    15.3 KB · Views: 179
Based on what Cawagula posted, I merged the A1, A2, A3 and A4 files....It's way up there, but that is not really a negative idea, is it?

I've sent numerous "this could be it" pics, but this one really seems right to me.


  • bigpic.jpg
    40.8 KB · Views: 157
If you have the original files, it's on A2. I had to reduce "the big picture" down considerably to post it. The file is now 88 inches by 56 inches...
Thank you sooooo much! i've been looking in the tree but not successful thus far, but you guys are doing really good narrowing down the area for me! its been pretty hot today and yesterday so iv been hosing down tthe tree and hopefully thats keeping him in the willow and not wandering off

Ant that picture is a GREAT find! i'll search around that top of the tree more intensly and try to pinpoint where he might be . . .

should i get a more updated pictures of the tree?
If you want to take more pictures I'll be happy to keep looking. You might start up at the top where that image came from and work down the tree. Maybe to the food cup? If you can zoom in tighter, it might be easier to get something more definite.
i'll try maybe climb IN the tree and take some pictures form the inside out? but i dont know about the zooming in more i think that mighta been full zoom already . . .
yea but then that might be beneficial, because if he starts moving, i'll know just look for the suddenly moving branches, get an eye on him, and then ya know how to plan your chase

problem is i've been in there nearly every day and no movement, no sightings, no nothing! thats why i think he may have moved to another tree . . .
That's a really good point.

I know I seem to be all about the cameras...but with that thought in mind, what about enlisting a family member or friend to hold a video camera on the tree while you climb in? It's impossible to keep track of all that while also climbing. If it were me, I'd shoot from below so the food cup was just barely in the might be that reviewing that video shows you something "fleeing".....
Definitely keep looking in that area, I saw another spot where there's a shape of a veild's head, not but 2 feet to the right of where Eliza saw her image; if her's isn't what I just saw is and vice versa; I definitely think he's in that tree.
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