Swollen Joints on Deremensis

I stopped in at a local reptile store today, and they had a sick Deremensis.
The owner of the pet store is very reptutable, and I have never heard anyhting bad about him.
He sells a lot of dragons, snakes, and chameleons at a great price too.
Long story short, he has a Deremensis and all of the joints on his legs are swollen.
His vet told him it was a infection, so he gave him oral baytril.
It worked for a short time, but came back soon after.
Ontop of all that I think it is a WC from Nick.

Any suggestions? Eric?
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baytril can kill him if the injuries don't. That's an opinion I've got on the stuff...

I have had numerous cuts and scrapes on my many deremensis over the years, none went systemic. Baytril killed my first, a CB, I won't use it again unless it's clearly a systemic infection.

If the swellings ARE an infection (with animals that are sensative to antibiotics, you gotta be sure it's an infection - did he do a sensativity test?), then a local injection might be a better choice.

Just seems an odd place for infections - usually you have an injury or something. If it is in all the joints, it could be nutritional - gout, maybe? What's he feeding and what's he gutloading with?

Ah, Nick has some good animals. I know people that have had issues with him, but I have not had a problem with him, personally. Every deremensis I had from him was in excellent shape. Of course, you know, when you're dealing with WC animals, there's always problems somewhere with someone. I know of NO importers/dealers in WC animals that hasn't pissed off someone somehow. I will trust most of the breeders - I just don't trust any importers much - you know?
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Kinyonga, I dont have picture to show you, but sure with I did.
My best way to explain it is, it looks like little peas are stuck in his joints.
They arent all perfectly round either, some are long, maybe a 3/8"

He feeds crickets that are gutloaded with lettuce and sweet potato, and dust with the 3 Stcky Tongue Farms supplements.
I have small experience whit deremensis(I have buy them in october),but I had use baytril whit one of my deremensis(small animal:10g) without problems.
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