The clock is ticking

You know what they say timeing is everything you were ahead of your time. I know in my case I could swing it this time nothing personal. Besides being a small animal I'm sure longevity is probably short compared to the larger chameleons.

Definitely dont take those of you getting them personal!!! I hear what you are saying too. Im not too sour about the timing thing;) Glad to see you are getting some. Definitely need people with your experience keeping them.
Definitely dont take those of you getting them personal!!! I hear what you are saying too. Im not too sour about the timing thing;) Glad to see you are getting some. Definitely need people with your experience keeping them.

I hope I can do these Bradypodion pumilum some justice I have never seen any no less work with them . Thank you for your vote of cofidence.
Uh oh! They get here soon! I'm getting back home the 20th, so I'm going to have to speed make a cage! I thought I had a couple weeks left lol
Or maybe its cuz I treated it like a part time job;):D I was constantly writing forum members back in response to all the pm's I would get, made phone calls, and have emailed the breeder back and forth no less then 25-30 times. If you look at the threads I made you can see why I generated so much interest. coldbloodedAl helped too with the bradypodion awareness month thread that got removed lol
Good luck to everyone participating and I cant wait to see some pics. I know first hand how awesome and healthy they will come in!!!

Thanks, Ill likely need it!

Im glad to be a part of this, and am giving it my best.

Not that I dont feel confident about it. ;)

I am the least experienced keeper to be involved though:eek:
Funny but suddenly I have those first Cham nerves kicking in! Wonder why all of us are second guessing cages, I have changed my mind a good several times.
Funny but suddenly I have those first Cham nerves kicking in! Wonder why all of us are second guessing cages, I have changed my mind a good several times.

Its because we want the absolute best for these super special chameleons:) But, from what Ive seen from a few different breeders of them in Germany, they are kept in very simple enclosures. Screen, with a ficus lol.

I will have most of mine in way overdone enclosures tho cuz thats just how I roll:) all screen 48"t x 24w x 24d. They have large cape honeysuckle, papyrus and royal potato bush. I keep a piece of cardboard covering a small part of the top w a rock on top to keep a section shaded. Its super high tech!:D
I am going fairly low tech. 18 x 18 x 36 screen cage, sitting on top of a fully planted 18" deep utility sink.:eek: 3 of those set ups really eat up space. I will have a good selection of plants including ficus, umbrella, pothos, creeping wirevine(yes that is a plant) and dracaena. Some will be very small and allowed to grow to fill in.

The hard part for me will be to not look at them every 15 minutes.
Or maybe its cuz I treated it like a part time job;):D I was constantly writing forum members back in response to all the pm's I would get, made phone calls, and have emailed the breeder back and forth no less then 25-30 times.

And now you see what I went through both times:p
I am going fairly low tech. 18 x 18 x 36 screen cage, sitting on top of a fully planted 18" deep utility sink.:eek: 3 of those set ups really eat up space. I will have a good selection of plants including ficus, umbrella, pothos, creeping wirevine(yes that is a plant) and dracaena. Some will be very small and allowed to grow to fill in.

The hard part for me will be to not look at them every 15 minutes.

Ill be looking at them all day long. :cool:

Its because we want the absolute best for these super special chameleons:) But, from what Ive seen from a few different breeders of them in Germany, they are kept in very simple enclosures. Screen, with a ficus lol.

I will have most of mine in way overdone enclosures tho cuz thats just how I roll:) all screen 48"t x 24w x 24d. They have large cape honeysuckle, papyrus and royal potato bush. I keep a piece of cardboard covering a small part of the top w a rock on top to keep a section shaded. Its super high tech!:D
I took two 30''t x 30''w x 18''d and took the bottom off one of them then I siliconed them together for a 5' tall it's nice with a upper and lower door. Then I went plant crazy and bought S.A. Cape Mallow bush 4 S.A. Protea plants S.A. Cape snow bush and a bunch of little plants from the Cape for filler. I bought way too much but if they breed or wont cohabitate I'll have plants for the other cage's.
Pictures of some of the plants. Protea are the pink ones and the Cape Mallow is the big bush with the flowers.


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Just put the call in to Todd this morning and my fixtures/ lights will be in early next week! I am STILL working on my enclosures... waiting for the drain bulkheads to come in, the plants i ordered will be here who.knows when(just received the shipment notification today, I ordered them TWO weeks ago!). Building my screen frames tonight, and finishing sealing the bottoms of the enclosures w/ silicone.
Im slightly worried about ventilation in these enclosures, so each one will have a 4" fan to go off a few times a day for a couple minutes. Still brainstorming on how i will mount them...
This is cutting it a little too close for my comfort, but Its my fault for slacking.:eek:
Just put the call in to Todd this morning and my fixtures/ lights will be in early next week! I am STILL working on my enclosures... waiting for the drain bulkheads to come in, the plants i ordered will be here who.knows when(just received the shipment notification today, I ordered them TWO weeks ago!). Building my screen frames tonight, and finishing sealing the bottoms of the enclosures w/ silicone.
Im slightly worried about ventilation in these enclosures, so each one will have a 4" fan to go off a few times a day for a couple minutes. Still brainstorming on how i will mount them...
This is cutting it a little too close for my comfort, but Its my fault for slacking.:eek:

Lol, no fear!

Im slacking too :p

Cant wait to see that setup!

Well be ready bro ;)
I ordered hatchling silkworms today, I have ff's, am getting bean beetles, what else are you guys using? I will order pinheads when the chams arrive. Will transvaalense eat BB flys?
I am getting Springtails to go in the bin (I hate calling it a sink) that will help with the poop. God help me if I ever try to get a sample for a fecal.
Do any of you see a problem with the chams finding food if I have very low growing plants covering the soil? Or should I cup feed?
I plan on the mist king going 2x a day for 30 sec. Does that sound ok?

Anything I have forgotten?
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