Avid Member
I ordered hatchling silkworms today, I have ff's, am getting bean beetles, what else are you guys using? I will order pinheads when the chams arrive. Will transvaalense eat BB flys?
I am getting Springtails to go in the bin (I hate calling it a sink) that will help with the poop. God help me if I ever try to get a sample for a fecal.
Do any of you see a problem with the chams finding food if I have very low growing plants covering the soil? Or should I cup feed?
I plan on the mist king going 2x a day for 30 sec. Does that sound ok?
Anything I have forgotten?
I am not sure on the exact size that we will receive them, but I would guess bb flies will be fine, if not house flies will.
Feeder wise, Ill have hornworms(on occasion when theyre small enough), silks, pinheads, ffs, bbf, bean beatles, mantids, snails, and whatever my sweepnet gets while im out
hunting for stick insects
I dont think there will be any problems with them finding food if you have low plants. I plan on ising Irish moss(if it will take), and grass as well. That amount of misting sounds good