The clock is ticking

I ordered hatchling silkworms today, I have ff's, am getting bean beetles, what else are you guys using? I will order pinheads when the chams arrive. Will transvaalense eat BB flys?
I am getting Springtails to go in the bin (I hate calling it a sink) that will help with the poop. God help me if I ever try to get a sample for a fecal.
Do any of you see a problem with the chams finding food if I have very low growing plants covering the soil? Or should I cup feed?
I plan on the mist king going 2x a day for 30 sec. Does that sound ok?

Anything I have forgotten?

I am not sure on the exact size that we will receive them, but I would guess bb flies will be fine, if not house flies will.
Feeder wise, Ill have hornworms(on occasion when theyre small enough), silks, pinheads, ffs, bbf, bean beatles, mantids, snails, and whatever my sweepnet gets while im out
hunting for stick insects :p
I dont think there will be any problems with them finding food if you have low plants. I plan on ising Irish moss(if it will take), and grass as well. That amount of misting sounds good :)
I ordered hatchling silkworms today, I have ff's, am getting bean beetles, what else are you guys using? I will order pinheads when the chams arrive. Will transvaalense eat BB flys?
I am getting Springtails to go in the bin (I hate calling it a sink) that will help with the poop. God help me if I ever try to get a sample for a fecal.
Do any of you see a problem with the chams finding food if I have very low growing plants covering the soil? Or should I cup feed?
I plan on the mist king going 2x a day for 30 sec. Does that sound ok?

Anything I have forgotten?

transvaals LOVE flies. I would start them on ff, 2 week old crix and bean beetles and work up to house flies then bb flies once they are full grown.
Be careful where you get the springtail cultures too because I got some from a well known seller of them and caused all of my tanks to get infested with spider mites!
So is it confirmed that they're coming in about the 22nd? Thank goodness for Repticon this weekend, so I can go pick up more small crickets and other goodies. My cage may get here cutting it a little close, but we should be fine.

How is the shipping going to happen, by the way? (I'm sorry, I just came back from a week away without a computer and I feel like I'm playing catch up.) Showjet, are you getting them all and sending them out from there, or...?

I'm super excited. I feel like I may need to invest in a separate mistking system for this guy, since I mist all my furcifers 25 minutes a day, in chunks of 10 or 5 minutes. For now I will hand mist the trans but I will need to figure out how to get him on an automatic schedule that is more moderated.
So is it confirmed that they're coming in about the 22nd? Thank goodness for Repticon this weekend, so I can go pick up more small crickets and other goodies. My cage may get here cutting it a little close, but we should be fine.
Yes they will be here then :)

How is the shipping going to happen, by the way? (I'm sorry, I just came back from a week away without a computer and I feel like I'm playing catch up.) Showjet, are you getting them all and sending them out from there, or...?
They will all be shipped to Paul, then he will be shipping them out to us. Hes going to need the money to ship them out to us which will be 50-60

I'm super excited. I feel like I may need to invest in a separate mistking system for this guy, since I mist all my furcifers 25 minutes a day, in chunks of 10 or 5 minutes. For now I will hand mist the trans but I will need to figure out how to get him on an automatic schedule that is more moderated.
They will only need 1-2 short mistings a day, maybe 30 seconds at the most. So it may not be neccesary to have a misting system if you are available to mist them that much?
Its definitely NOT necessary to have them misted as much as you are thinking Olimpia. Like Alex said would be enough.
I am 75% sure they will be arriving the 22nd. If not then, then the 30th. I wish I could keep them all:) I just hope no one is expecting them to have all the colors when they arrive like the pics youll find online of these species, its gonna take some time.

Also, I will give everyone the exact shipping quotes the day I ship them out, which should be a max of a few days after I receive them just to get them settled a tiny bit and eating and drinking something before they go out again.
Ok sounds good.

No, I know they don't need that much water, but I like having everything automated. Lets me leave for several days and not have to have someone come by, or worry about finals and not the animals. But misting less then 3 minutes makes me nervous, every cham I've ever had has loved soaking in the water at least once a day. Why not one longer (2-3 minute) session first thing in the morning and a quick 30 sec later in the day?
Ok sounds good.

No, I know they don't need that much water, but I like having everything automated. Lets me leave for several days and not have to have someone come by, or worry about finals and not the animals. But misting less then 3 minutes makes me nervous, every cham I've ever had has loved soaking in the water at least once a day. Why not one longer (2-3 minute) session first thing in the morning and a quick 30 sec later in the day?

High risk of fungal infection/respiratory issues.

While Im sure an occasional "rainstorm" might be a good idea, we want to keep it fairly dry.

THis just seems to be a big issue with them.
Yep, so far just you! lol :p

Ill be using a minimal amount of water on them. Ill then adjust if necessary. ;) Although I believe a dripper, and minimal misting will do the job.

Agreed. And as long as th RH is enough, one may be able to drip only.
It does seem minimal, but neccesary for the health of these chams. The average rainfall in their natural habitat is not a lot either. I cant give an exact right now, im leaving the marina shortly ill find it when i get home.
It feels so lonely, just me and my opinions D: lol
But ok, I'll stick with the same regimen as everyone else. Obviously others in this thread have more experience, it's just that I haven't misted a chameleon as little as 30 seconds in like... 2 years!
It feels so lonely, just me and my opinions D: lol
But ok, I'll stick with the same regimen as everyone else. Obviously others in this thread have more experience, it's just that I haven't misted a chameleon as little as 30 seconds in like... 2 years!

You don't have a corner on it. I have never misted that little. My veileds & panthers were misted more than that. That is going to be really, really hard for me.
High risk of fungal infection/respiratory issues.

While Im sure an occasional "rainstorm" might be a good idea, we want to keep it fairly dry.

THis just seems to be a big issue with them.

Yeah, this is possibly where things went wrong for me. It gets pretty darn humid around here in the summer. I also kept the first ones in my montane room which was always kept humid.

I dont see a problem with long mistings if they are in screen cages as long as it really gets the chance to dry out.
My lighting came today! Looks like i may finish a little early! Big thanks to Todd from LYR on getting them here quickly.


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Nice, are you keeping them indoors right away? Or is this for the winter.
Indoors mostly, once I get an outdoor cage set up each pair will be rotated oitside when weather permits. Summers can get really humid here so i thinks its just begging for an RI keeping them outside.
So when do we see the finished product? I know what you produce will be great.:)

Soon! Still working out a few minor design details, and then has to be planted :)
All systems are go for placment of the cage and the cage itself. The rose bush and wild vines makes a nice canopy and not to mention all the little insects they will be getting when I leave the doors open under supervision. Being so small and young I'm limiting the amout of sun they will be getting a little in the morning and then again towards late afternoon.


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All systems are go for placment of the cage and the cage itself. The rose bush and wild vines makes a nice canopy and not to mention all the little insects they will be getting when I leave the doors open under supervision. Being so small and young I'm limiting the amout of sun they will be getting a little in the morning and then again towards late afternoon.

Yours are so big and will be so nice. You wound laugh at my cages if I post them now will you?
A small cage has it's advantages the main one being they can find food easyer and you can find the chameleon for observation.
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