Veiled brings family together!!


Since I got Sayid about 2 months ago, my tweleve year old daughter and I have been getting much needed quality time. She loves to sit and watch him with me, she holds him while I hand feed or visa versa, we go out on "bug" missions every evening with a deli dish and net, she sets up his shower every Sat. and last night Sayid hissed at her when she went to get him. I have not laughed that hard in a very long time.:p

I just wanted to share. :D
At her age getting to actually interact and have fun with your kids is so rare and precious. Enjoy it and hope it lasts.:):)
What a nice story. I wish more parents would take the responsibility of a pet and allow the children to help out. I see allot of kids on here trying to do it alone. :eek:
That's a great story! My 10 year old son and I also spend a good bit of time together caring for out reptiles. We share all the care. (I do most but he assists me). We live on a pesticide free farm, so we will go to the field can collect insects. He likes to mist my chams, and almost completely does all the care for his bearded dragon. They are great to bring families together.
That's a great story! My 10 year old son and I also spend a good bit of time together caring for out reptiles. We share all the care. (I do most but he assists me). We live on a pesticide free farm, so we will go to the field can collect insects. He likes to mist my chams, and almost completely does all the care for his bearded dragon. They are great to bring families together.

We live on 28 acres, also pesticide free. We have been catching grasshoppers, crickets, dragonflies, and much more. Sayid's fav so far is pray mantis in my opinion.

And I agree 100% about bringing us together, even my husband likes the chameleon. He talks to him all the time and call him Mr. Lizard...I laugh and remind him that Sayid can't hear him:D

Thanx for the replies
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